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10 Years of Devopsdays
It’s hard to believe but it is almost 10 years ago since #devopsdays happened for the first time in Gent. Back then there were almost 70 of us talking about topics that were of interest to both Operations and Development, we were exchanging our ideas and experiences `on how we were improving the quality of software delivery. Our ideas got started on the crossroads of Open Source, Agile and early Cloud Adoption.
10 Years of Devopsdays
It’s hard to believe but it is almost 10 years ago since #devopsdays happened for the first time in Gent. Back then there were almost 70 of us talking about topics that were of interest to both Operations and Development, we were exchanging our ideas and experiences `on how we were improving the quality of software delivery. Our ideas got started on the crossroads of Open Source, Agile and early Cloud Adoption.
10 Years of Devopsdays
It’s hard to believe but it is almost 10 years ago since #devopsdays happened for the first time in Gent. Back then there were almost 70 of us talking about topics that were of interest to both Operations and Development, we were exchanging our ideas and experiences `on how we were improving the quality of software delivery. Our ideas got started on the crossroads of Open Source, Agile and early Cloud Adoption.
General Meta Tags
11- title10 years of devopsdays
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Open Graph Meta Tags
6- og:title10 Years of Devopsdays
- og:descriptionIt’s hard to believe but it is almost 10 years ago since #devopsdays happened for the first time in Gent. Back then there were almost 70 of us talking about topics that were of interest to both Operations and Development, we were exchanging our ideas and experiences `on how we were improving the quality of software delivery. Our ideas got started on the crossroads of Open Source, Agile and early Cloud Adoption.
- og:typewebsite
- og:url
- og:image
Twitter Meta Tags
5- twitter:title10 years of devopsdays
- twitter:descriptionIt’s hard to believe but it is almost 10 years ago since #devopsdays happened for the first time in Gent. Back then there were almost 70 of us talking about topics that were of interest to both Operations and Development, we were exchanging our ideas and experiences `on how we were improving the quality of software delivery. Our ideas got started on the crossroads of Open Source, Agile and early Cloud Adoption.
- twitter:site@devopsdays
- twitter:cardsummary_large_image
- twitter:image
Item Prop Meta Tags
4- name10 years of devopsdays
- descriptionIt’s hard to believe but it is almost 10 years ago since #devopsdays happened for the first time in Gent. Back then there were almost 70 of us talking about topics that were of interest to both Operations and Development, we were exchanging our ideas and experiences `on how we were improving the quality of software delivery. Our ideas got started on the crossroads of Open Source, Agile and early Cloud Adoption.
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Link Tags
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