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Come Celebrate 15 Years of Devopsdays !

In 2024, the DevOps community celebrates a significant milestone: the 15th anniversary of DevOpsDays. This event, which has grown into a global phenomenon, is returning to its roots in Antwerp, Belgium, where the original idea was conceived by Patrick Debois and Kris Buytaert. The conference began as a humble gathering in Ghent, the site of the first event, but it quickly grew into a worldwide movement, spreading the principles of collaboration, innovation, and continuous improvement in IT and software development practices to dozens of cities across the globe.


Come Celebrate 15 Years of Devopsdays !

In 2024, the DevOps community celebrates a significant milestone: the 15th anniversary of DevOpsDays. This event, which has grown into a global phenomenon, is returning to its roots in Antwerp, Belgium, where the original idea was conceived by Patrick Debois and Kris Buytaert. The conference began as a humble gathering in Ghent, the site of the first event, but it quickly grew into a worldwide movement, spreading the principles of collaboration, innovation, and continuous improvement in IT and software development practices to dozens of cities across the globe.


Come Celebrate 15 Years of Devopsdays !

In 2024, the DevOps community celebrates a significant milestone: the 15th anniversary of DevOpsDays. This event, which has grown into a global phenomenon, is returning to its roots in Antwerp, Belgium, where the original idea was conceived by Patrick Debois and Kris Buytaert. The conference began as a humble gathering in Ghent, the site of the first event, but it quickly grew into a worldwide movement, spreading the principles of collaboration, innovation, and continuous improvement in IT and software development practices to dozens of cities across the globe.

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      Come Celebrate 15 years of Devopsdays !
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      Come Celebrate 15 Years of Devopsdays !
    • og:description
      In 2024, the DevOps community celebrates a significant milestone: the 15th anniversary of DevOpsDays. This event, which has grown into a global phenomenon, is returning to its roots in Antwerp, Belgium, where the original idea was conceived by Patrick Debois and Kris Buytaert. The conference began as a humble gathering in Ghent, the site of the first event, but it quickly grew into a worldwide movement, spreading the principles of collaboration, innovation, and continuous improvement in IT and software development practices to dozens of cities across the globe.
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      Come Celebrate 15 years of Devopsdays !
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      In 2024, the DevOps community celebrates a significant milestone: the 15th anniversary of DevOpsDays. This event, which has grown into a global phenomenon, is returning to its roots in Antwerp, Belgium, where the original idea was conceived by Patrick Debois and Kris Buytaert. The conference began as a humble gathering in Ghent, the site of the first event, but it quickly grew into a worldwide movement, spreading the principles of collaboration, innovation, and continuous improvement in IT and software development practices to dozens of cities across the globe.
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  • Item Prop Meta Tags

    • name
      Come Celebrate 15 years of Devopsdays !
    • description
      In 2024, the DevOps community celebrates a significant milestone: the 15th anniversary of DevOpsDays. This event, which has grown into a global phenomenon, is returning to its roots in Antwerp, Belgium, where the original idea was conceived by Patrick Debois and Kris Buytaert. The conference began as a humble gathering in Ghent, the site of the first event, but it quickly grew into a worldwide movement, spreading the principles of collaboration, innovation, and continuous improvement in IT and software development practices to dozens of cities across the globe.
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