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Speaking at Devopsdays
The call for participation for a devopsdays event helps each city’s local organizers find speakers for their event. Follow the talk proposal submission process for a given city if you’d like to submit an idea to their CFP! These are the cities which currently have an open call for participation.
Speaking at Devopsdays
The call for participation for a devopsdays event helps each city’s local organizers find speakers for their event. Follow the talk proposal submission process for a given city if you’d like to submit an idea to their CFP! These are the cities which currently have an open call for participation.
Speaking at Devopsdays
The call for participation for a devopsdays event helps each city’s local organizers find speakers for their event. Follow the talk proposal submission process for a given city if you’d like to submit an idea to their CFP! These are the cities which currently have an open call for participation.
General Meta Tags
11- titleSpeaking at devopsdays
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Open Graph Meta Tags
6- og:titleSpeaking at Devopsdays
- og:descriptionThe call for participation for a devopsdays event helps each city’s local organizers find speakers for their event. Follow the talk proposal submission process for a given city if you’d like to submit an idea to their CFP! These are the cities which currently have an open call for participation.
- og:typewebsite
- og:url
- og:image
Twitter Meta Tags
5- twitter:titleSpeaking at devopsdays
- twitter:descriptionThe call for participation for a devopsdays event helps each city’s local organizers find speakers for their event. Follow the talk proposal submission process for a given city if you’d like to submit an idea to their CFP! These are the cities which currently have an open call for participation.
- twitter:site@devopsdays
- twitter:cardsummary_large_image
- twitter:image
Item Prop Meta Tags
4- nameSpeaking at devopsdays
- descriptionThe call for participation for a devopsdays event helps each city’s local organizers find speakers for their event. Follow the talk proposal submission process for a given city if you’d like to submit an idea to their CFP! These are the cities which currently have an open call for participation.
- image
- wordCount50
Link Tags
23- alternate/speaking/index.xml
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