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Six Snacks I Want Back, Volume 5! | Dinosaur Dracula!
Welcome to the fifth edition of Six Snacks I Want Back, where I torment you by celebrating foods you can no longer eat! Side bonus: Lots of heavy GIFs sure to aggravate the site’s mobile users! Chef Boyardee Sharks! Debuting somewhere around 1990, Sharks tasted exactly like everything else Chef Boyardee made, and still makes. So<span class="readmore"><a href="https://dinosaurdracula.com/blog/snacks-i-want-back-5/">Read More</a></span>
Six Snacks I Want Back, Volume 5! | Dinosaur Dracula!
Welcome to the fifth edition of Six Snacks I Want Back, where I torment you by celebrating foods you can no longer eat! Side bonus: Lots of heavy GIFs sure to aggravate the site’s mobile users! Chef Boyardee Sharks! Debuting somewhere around 1990, Sharks tasted exactly like everything else Chef Boyardee made, and still makes. So<span class="readmore"><a href="https://dinosaurdracula.com/blog/snacks-i-want-back-5/">Read More</a></span>
Six Snacks I Want Back, Volume 5! | Dinosaur Dracula!
Welcome to the fifth edition of Six Snacks I Want Back, where I torment you by celebrating foods you can no longer eat! Side bonus: Lots of heavy GIFs sure to aggravate the site’s mobile users! Chef Boyardee Sharks! Debuting somewhere around 1990, Sharks tasted exactly like everything else Chef Boyardee made, and still makes. So<span class="readmore"><a href="https://dinosaurdracula.com/blog/snacks-i-want-back-5/">Read More</a></span>
General Meta Tags
16- titleSix Snacks I Want Back, Volume 5! | Dinosaur Dracula!
- charsetutf-8
- viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0
- robotsfollow, index, max-snippet:-1, max-video-preview:-1, max-image-preview:large
- article:publisherhttps://www.facebook.com/DinosaurDracula/
Open Graph Meta Tags
13- og:localeen_US
- og:typearticle
- og:titleSix Snacks I Want Back, Volume 5! | Dinosaur Dracula!
- og:descriptionWelcome to the fifth edition of Six Snacks I Want Back, where I torment you by celebrating foods you can no longer eat! Side bonus: Lots of heavy GIFs sure to aggravate the site’s mobile users! Chef Boyardee Sharks! Debuting somewhere around 1990, Sharks tasted exactly like everything else Chef Boyardee made, and still makes. So<span class="readmore"><a href="https://dinosaurdracula.com/blog/snacks-i-want-back-5/">Read More</a></span>
- og:urlhttps://dinosaurdracula.com/blog/snacks-i-want-back-5/
Twitter Meta Tags
6- twitter:cardsummary_large_image
- twitter:titleSix Snacks I Want Back, Volume 5! | Dinosaur Dracula!
- twitter:descriptionWelcome to the fifth edition of Six Snacks I Want Back, where I torment you by celebrating foods you can no longer eat! Side bonus: Lots of heavy GIFs sure to aggravate the site’s mobile users! Chef Boyardee Sharks! Debuting somewhere around 1990, Sharks tasted exactly like everything else Chef Boyardee made, and still makes. So<span class="readmore"><a href="https://dinosaurdracula.com/blog/snacks-i-want-back-5/">Read More</a></span>
- twitter:site@dinosaurdracula
- twitter:creator@dinosaurdracula
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