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Global PhD Server
Grad school: hard at the best of times, so much worse on your own. Welcome to your friendly neighbourhood cross-discipline, international network of PhD students here to support eachother through the trials and tribulations of pursuing a doctorate!
Global PhD Server
Grad school: hard at the best of times, so much worse on your own. Welcome to your friendly neighbourhood cross-discipline, international network of PhD students here to support eachother through the trials and tribulations of pursuing a doctorate!
Global PhD Server
Grad school: hard at the best of times, so much worse on your own. Welcome to your friendly neighbourhood cross-discipline, international network of PhD students here to support eachother through the trials and tribulations of pursuing a doctorate!
General Meta Tags
17- titleGlobal PhD Server
- charsetutf-8
- viewportinitial-scale=1, width=device-width
- keywordsphd, doctorate, grad school, postgraduate, graduate, postgrad
- descriptionGrad school: hard at the best of times, so much worse on your own. Welcome to your friendly neighbourhood cross-discipline, international network of PhD students here to support eachother through the trials and tribulations of pursuing a doctorate!
Open Graph Meta Tags
6- og:titleGlobal PhD Server
- og:typewebsite
- og:localeen_US
- og:urlhttps://discordservers.com/server/461526914167865345
- og:imagehttps://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/461526914167865345/2a5585056928dc598950fa6bffdac136.png
Twitter Meta Tags
2- twitter:cardsummary
- twitter:descriptionGrad school: hard at the best of times, so much worse on your own. Welcome to your friendly neighbourhood cross-discipline, international network of PhD students here to support eachother through the trials and tribulations of pursuing a doctorate!
Link Tags
16- apple-touch-icon/apple-touch-icon.png
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- icon/favicon-16x16.png
- manifest/manifest.json
14- https://discordservers.com
- https://discordservers.com//discordapp.com
- https://discordservers.com/blog
- https://discordservers.com/browse
- https://discordservers.com/browse/community