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A pilot reveals the tricks to one of the world’s most difficult landings | CNN
Ringed by mountains, Bhutan’s Paro International Airport (PBH) is widely considered one of the most technically difficult plane landings in the world.
A pilot reveals the tricks to one of the world’s most difficult landings | CNN
Ringed by mountains, Bhutan’s Paro International Airport (PBH) is widely considered one of the most technically difficult plane landings in the world.
A pilot reveals the tricks to one of the world’s most difficult landings | CNN
Ringed by mountains, Bhutan’s Paro International Airport (PBH) is widely considered one of the most technically difficult plane landings in the world.
General Meta Tags
19- titleThis Bhutan airport landing is so tricky only 50 pilots can do it | CNN
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Open Graph Meta Tags
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Twitter Meta Tags
5- twitter:titleA pilot reveals the tricks to one of the world’s most difficult landings | CNN
- twitter:descriptionRinged by mountains, Bhutan’s Paro International Airport (PBH) is widely considered one of the most technically difficult plane landings in the world.
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