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Weekend Box Office Results: Barbie and Oppenheimer Post Historic Numbers
Barbie set the record for the biggest opening for a film directed by a woman, while also combining with Oppenheimer for a massive $235.5 million combined debut.
Weekend Box Office Results: Barbie and Oppenheimer Post Historic Numbers
Barbie set the record for the biggest opening for a film directed by a woman, while also combining with Oppenheimer for a massive $235.5 million combined debut.
Weekend Box Office Results: Barbie and Oppenheimer Post Historic Numbers
Barbie set the record for the biggest opening for a film directed by a woman, while also combining with Oppenheimer for a massive $235.5 million combined debut.
General Meta Tags
13- titleWeekend Box Office Results: Barbie and Oppenheimer Post Historic Numbers | Rotten Tomatoes
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- og.descriptionBarbie set the record for the biggest opening for a film directed by a woman, while also combining with Oppenheimer for a massive $235.5 million combined debut.
- descriptionBarbie set the record for the biggest opening for a film directed by a woman, while also combining with Oppenheimer for a massive $235.5 million combined debut.
Open Graph Meta Tags
4- og:titleWeekend Box Office Results: Barbie and Oppenheimer Post Historic Numbers
- og:typearticle
- og:imagehttps://prd-rteditorial.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/23134016/Barbenheimer_BO1-Rep.jpg
- og:urlhttps://editorial.rottentomatoes.com/article/weekend-box-office-results-barbie-and-oppenheimer-post-historic-numbers/
Twitter Meta Tags
4- twitter:site@rottentomatoes
- twitter:titleWeekend Box Office Results: Barbie and Oppenheimer Post Historic Numbers
- twitter:descriptionBarbie set the record for the biggest opening for a film directed by a woman, while also combining with Oppenheimer for a massive $235.5 million combined debut.
- twitter:imagehttps://prd-rteditorial.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/23134016/Barbenheimer_BO1-Rep.jpg
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