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Parliament showdown: Georgiadis and Androulakis clash over health workers' pay - ProtoThema English
Knives came out between the Minister of Health and the President of PASOK on the occasion of the defeat of the bill on the institution of the personal doctor by Harilaou Trikoupis - Contrast for health personnel, the situation in the NHS and relations with business interests
Parliament showdown: Georgiadis and Androulakis clash over health workers' pay - ProtoThema English
Knives came out between the Minister of Health and the President of PASOK on the occasion of the defeat of the bill on the institution of the personal doctor by Harilaou Trikoupis - Contrast for health personnel, the situation in the NHS and relations with business interests
Parliament showdown: Georgiadis and Androulakis clash over health workers' pay - ProtoThema English
Knives came out between the Minister of Health and the President of PASOK on the occasion of the defeat of the bill on the institution of the personal doctor by Harilaou Trikoupis - Contrast for health personnel, the situation in the NHS and relations with business interests
General Meta Tags
12- titleParliament showdown: Georgiadis and Androulakis clash over health workers' pay - ProtoThema English
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Open Graph Meta Tags
10- og:localeen_US
- og:typearticle
- og:titleParliament showdown: Georgiadis and Androulakis clash over health workers' pay - ProtoThema English
- og:descriptionKnives came out between the Minister of Health and the President of PASOK on the occasion of the defeat of the bill on the institution of the personal doctor by Harilaou Trikoupis - Contrast for health personnel, the situation in the NHS and relations with business interests
- og:url/
Twitter Meta Tags
7- twitter:cardsummary_large_image
- twitter:creator@eprotothema
- twitter:site@eprotothema
- twitter:label1Written by
- twitter:data1Christine Giannou
Link Tags
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- https://en.protothema.gr/2024/11/13/adonis-georgiadis-pasok-under-androulakis-returns-to-extreme-populism
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