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Notre Dame de Paris: Temporarily open with free admission in December, 5 years after the great fire - ProtoThema English
Emmanuel Macron will give a speech in the Cathedral Square - One day later, on 8 December, the first Mass will be celebrated
Notre Dame de Paris: Temporarily open with free admission in December, 5 years after the great fire - ProtoThema English
Emmanuel Macron will give a speech in the Cathedral Square - One day later, on 8 December, the first Mass will be celebrated
Notre Dame de Paris: Temporarily open with free admission in December, 5 years after the great fire - ProtoThema English
Emmanuel Macron will give a speech in the Cathedral Square - One day later, on 8 December, the first Mass will be celebrated
General Meta Tags
12- titleNotre Dame de Paris: Temporarily open with free admission in December, 5 years after the great fire - ProtoThema English
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Open Graph Meta Tags
10- og:localeen_US
- og:typearticle
- og:titleNotre Dame de Paris: Temporarily open with free admission in December, 5 years after the great fire - ProtoThema English
- og:descriptionEmmanuel Macron will give a speech in the Cathedral Square - One day later, on 8 December, the first Mass will be celebrated
- og:urlhttps://en.protothema.gr/2024/11/13/notre-dame-de-paris-temporarily-open-with-free-admission-in-december-5-years-after-the-great-fire/
Twitter Meta Tags
7- twitter:cardsummary_large_image
- twitter:creator@eprotothema
- twitter:site@eprotothema
- twitter:label1Written by
- twitter:data1admin
Link Tags
15- EditURIhttps://en.protothema.gr/xmlrpc.php?rsd
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