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Over 110 of the Biggest TV Show Flops, Bombs and Misses for the First Half of 2023

In my last article, I looked at all of the films that flopped, bombed or missed in the first half of this year. Today, it’s time to look at TV. Lately, I’ve seen the take out there that "We don’t know the flops and bombs in streaming." Well, next time you read that or hear that, you’ll know better. This article is basically all of the misses in streaming so far this year. Look at it this way: we know what the absolute ratings ceiling is for most of these shows; basically, it’s less than whatever the lowest rated TV show was that week according to Nielsen, Samba TV or ShowLabs. And that number is almost always very low.


Over 110 of the Biggest TV Show Flops, Bombs and Misses for the First Half of 2023


In my last article, I looked at all of the films that flopped, bombed or missed in the first half of this year. Today, it’s time to look at TV. Lately, I’ve seen the take out there that "We don’t know the flops and bombs in streaming." Well, next time you read that or hear that, you’ll know better. This article is basically all of the misses in streaming so far this year. Look at it this way: we know what the absolute ratings ceiling is for most of these shows; basically, it’s less than whatever the lowest rated TV show was that week according to Nielsen, Samba TV or ShowLabs. And that number is almost always very low.



Over 110 of the Biggest TV Show Flops, Bombs and Misses for the First Half of 2023

In my last article, I looked at all of the films that flopped, bombed or missed in the first half of this year. Today, it’s time to look at TV. Lately, I’ve seen the take out there that "We don’t know the flops and bombs in streaming." Well, next time you read that or hear that, you’ll know better. This article is basically all of the misses in streaming so far this year. Look at it this way: we know what the absolute ratings ceiling is for most of these shows; basically, it’s less than whatever the lowest rated TV show was that week according to Nielsen, Samba TV or ShowLabs. And that number is almost always very low.

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      Over 110 of the Biggest TV Show Flops, Bombs and Misses for the First Half of 2023
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      Over 110 of the Biggest TV Show Flops, Bombs and Misses for the First Half of 2023
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      In my last article, I looked at all of the films that flopped, bombed or missed in the first half of this year. Today, it’s time to look at TV. Lately, I’ve seen the take out there that "We don’t know the flops and bombs in streaming." Well, next time you read that or hear that, you’ll know better. This article is basically all of the misses in streaming so far this year. Look at it this way: we know what the absolute ratings ceiling is for most of these shows; basically, it’s less than whatever the lowest rated TV show was that week according to Nielsen, Samba TV or ShowLabs. And that number is almost always very low.
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      Over 110 of the Biggest TV Show Flops, Bombs and Misses for the First Half of 2023
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      In my last article, I looked at all of the films that flopped, bombed or missed in the first half of this year. Today, it’s time to look at TV. Lately, I’ve seen the take out there that "We don’t know the flops and bombs in streaming." Well, next time you read that or hear that, you’ll know better. This article is basically all of the misses in streaming so far this year. Look at it this way: we know what the absolute ratings ceiling is for most of these shows; basically, it’s less than whatever the lowest rated TV show was that week according to Nielsen, Samba TV or ShowLabs. And that number is almost always very low.
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