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Shamanic Sacra-Mental Spaces: Archive
Plants are all chemists, tirelessly assembling the molecules of the world, and in their transactions with insects, birds, animals, and fungi, they find elaborate ways to defend themselves, to seduce pollinators, to confuse. “Only plants had consciousness. Animals got it from them.” - Pharmako/Poeia by Dale Pendell
Shamanic Sacra-Mental Spaces: Archive
Plants are all chemists, tirelessly assembling the molecules of the world, and in their transactions with insects, birds, animals, and fungi, they find elaborate ways to defend themselves, to seduce pollinators, to confuse. “Only plants had consciousness. Animals got it from them.” - Pharmako/Poeia by Dale Pendell
Shamanic Sacra-Mental Spaces: Archive
Plants are all chemists, tirelessly assembling the molecules of the world, and in their transactions with insects, birds, animals, and fungi, they find elaborate ways to defend themselves, to seduce pollinators, to confuse. “Only plants had consciousness. Animals got it from them.” - Pharmako/Poeia by Dale Pendell
General Meta Tags
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- parsely-titleShamanic Sacra-Mental Spaces: Archive
- parsely-linkhttps://www.tumblr.com/archive
Open Graph Meta Tags
4- og:titleShamanic Sacra-Mental Spaces: Archive
- og:descriptionPlants are all chemists, tirelessly assembling the molecules of the world, and in their transactions with insects, birds, animals, and fungi, they find elaborate ways to defend themselves, to seduce pollinators, to confuse. “Only plants had consciousness. Animals got it from them.” - Pharmako/Poeia by Dale Pendell
- og:site_nameTumblr
- og:typewebsite
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