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When you only kinda know a second language
When you only kinda know a second language and you’re reading text like “yeah he said to me [blank] and I was like but my name is [blank blank] and [probably a curse word] and [blank] your mother what...
When you only kinda know a second language
When you only kinda know a second language and you’re reading text like “yeah he said to me [blank] and I was like but my name is [blank blank] and [probably a curse word] and [blank] your mother what...
When you only kinda know a second language
When you only kinda know a second language and you’re reading text like “yeah he said to me [blank] and I was like but my name is [blank blank] and [probably a curse word] and [blank] your mother what...
General Meta Tags
101- titleFablePaint : When you only kinda know a second language
- descriptionWhen you only kinda know a second language and you’re reading text like “yeah he said to me [blank] and I was like but my name is [blank blank] and [probably a curse word] and [blank] your mother what...
- charsetutf-8
- viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0
- image:Sidebar
Open Graph Meta Tags
5- og:site_nameTumblr
- og:titleWhen you only kinda know a second language
- og:descriptionand you’re reading text like “yeah he said to me [blank] and I was like but my name is [blank blank] and [probably a curse word] and [blank] your mother what a [blank]. I [blank blank] the part where...
- og:urlhttps://fablepaint.tumblr.com/post/146724751261/when-you-only-kinda-know-a-second-language
- og:typearticle
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