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John Fleck (@[email protected])
1.03K Posts, 203 Following, 482 Followers · Writer in Residence, Utton Center, University of New Mexico School of Law. Writing a book about the Rio Grande and the making of Albuquerque. People pay me for sentences - "a curious guy with good typing skills".
John Fleck (@[email protected])
1.03K Posts, 203 Following, 482 Followers · Writer in Residence, Utton Center, University of New Mexico School of Law. Writing a book about the Rio Grande and the making of Albuquerque. People pay me for sentences - "a curious guy with good typing skills".
John Fleck (@[email protected])
1.03K Posts, 203 Following, 482 Followers · Writer in Residence, Utton Center, University of New Mexico School of Law. Writing a book about the Rio Grande and the making of Albuquerque. People pay me for sentences - "a curious guy with good typing skills".
General Meta Tags
10- titleJohn Fleck (@[email protected]) - FediScience.org
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Open Graph Meta Tags
8- og:typeprofile
- og:urlhttps://fediscience.org/@jfleck
- og:site_nameFediScience.org
- og:titleJohn Fleck (@[email protected])
- og:description1.03K Posts, 203 Following, 482 Followers · Writer in Residence, Utton Center, University of New Mexico School of Law. Writing a book about the Rio Grande and the making of Albuquerque. People pay me for sentences - "a curious guy with good typing skills".
Link Tags
27- alternatehttps://fediscience.org/@jfleck.rss
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