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Blogging and Marriage - Brad Feld
NPR had a priceless piece on blogging and marriage last night by Julie Zickefoose. “I’m trying to figure out when these slim white machines took over our lives.” Julie covers heroin, reader comments, and daily postings. “This is weird, scary, and strangely satisfying at the same time. Where did they find me? Why do they care?” […]
Blogging and Marriage - Brad Feld
NPR had a priceless piece on blogging and marriage last night by Julie Zickefoose. “I’m trying to figure out when these slim white machines took over our lives.” Julie covers heroin, reader comments, and daily postings. “This is weird, scary, and strangely satisfying at the same time. Where did they find me? Why do they care?” […]
Blogging and Marriage - Brad Feld
NPR had a priceless piece on blogging and marriage last night by Julie Zickefoose. “I’m trying to figure out when these slim white machines took over our lives.” Julie covers heroin, reader comments, and daily postings. “This is weird, scary, and strangely satisfying at the same time. Where did they find me? Why do they care?” […]
General Meta Tags
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Open Graph Meta Tags
6- og:localeen_US
- og:typearticle
- og:titleBlogging and Marriage - Brad Feld
- og:descriptionNPR had a priceless piece on blogging and marriage last night by Julie Zickefoose. “I’m trying to figure out when these slim white machines took over our lives.” Julie covers heroin, reader comments, and daily postings. “This is weird, scary, and strangely satisfying at the same time. Where did they find me? Why do they care?” […]
- og:urlhttps://feld.com/archives/2006/02/blogging-and-marriage/
Twitter Meta Tags
4- twitter:cardsummary_large_image
- twitter:creator@bfeld
- twitter:label1Written by
- twitter:data1Brad Feld
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