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Crate vs crate
Please help create test data for development of Rust crate ranking algorithm. Provide names of two related crates, and which one of them is better. You can submit this form multiple times to provide multiple test cases. Your personal preferences are OK. Answers are anonymous. For example, you can submit that "serde" is better than "rustc-serialize".
Crate vs crate
Please help create test data for development of Rust crate ranking algorithm. Provide names of two related crates, and which one of them is better. You can submit this form multiple times to provide multiple test cases. Your personal preferences are OK. Answers are anonymous. For example, you can submit that "serde" is better than "rustc-serialize".
Crate vs crate
Please help create test data for development of Rust crate ranking algorithm. Provide names of two related crates, and which one of them is better. You can submit this form multiple times to provide multiple test cases. Your personal preferences are OK. Answers are anonymous. For example, you can submit that "serde" is better than "rustc-serialize".
General Meta Tags
6- titleCrate vs crate
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9- og:titleCrate vs crate
- og:typearticle
- og:site_nameGoogle Docs
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Item Prop Meta Tags
8- nameCrate vs crate
- descriptionPlease help create test data for development of Rust crate ranking algorithm. Provide names of two related crates, and which one of them is better. You can submit this form multiple times to provide multiple test cases. Your personal preferences are OK. Answers are anonymous. For example, you can submit that "serde" is better than "rustc-serialize".
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