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Yes, I want to change someone’s life today!

Your action today gives those who work in book and comic stores a place to call for help when the unexpected happens. Whether it is an illness, hurricane, cancer diagnosis, the threat of losing one’s home– your contribution will give the gift of peace of mind and hope. Thank you for joining the family that believes in the importance of books and comic stores and supports the folks who work in them.


Yes, I want to change someone’s life today!

Your action today gives those who work in book and comic stores a place to call for help when the unexpected happens. Whether it is an illness, hurricane, cancer diagnosis, the threat of losing one’s home– your contribution will give the gift of peace of mind and hope. Thank you for joining the family that believes in the importance of books and comic stores and supports the folks who work in them.


Yes, I want to change someone’s life today!

Your action today gives those who work in book and comic stores a place to call for help when the unexpected happens. Whether it is an illness, hurricane, cancer diagnosis, the threat of losing one’s home– your contribution will give the gift of peace of mind and hope. Thank you for joining the family that believes in the importance of books and comic stores and supports the folks who work in them.

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      Yes, I want to change someone’s life today!
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  • Open Graph Meta Tags

    • og:title
      Yes, I want to change someone’s life today!
    • og:description
      Your action today gives those who work in book and comic stores a place to call for help when the unexpected happens. Whether it is an illness, hurricane, cancer diagnosis, the threat of losing one’s home– your contribution will give the gift of peace of mind and hope. Thank you for joining the family that believes in the importance of books and comic stores and supports the folks who work in them.
    • og:type
    • og:url
    • og:image