Preview meta tags from the hillside.net website.
Linked Hostnames
13- 59 links tohillside.net
- 1 link toecoop.org
- 1 link toscrumplop.org
- 1 link tose-radio.net
- 1 link tosplashcon.org
- 1 link totwitter.com
- 1 link towiki.c2.com
- 1 link towww.amazon.com
General Meta Tags
7- titleDesign Patterns Library
- content-typetext/html; charset=utf-8
- keywordsDesign Patterns, Hillside Group, The Hillside Group, EuroPLoP, Mensore PLoP, PLoP, koala Plop, SugarLoaf PLoP, Design Patterns Group, Design Patterns, Patterns Library, Patterns, Patterns Links, Object Oriented Design, Patterns Conferences, Conferences, Design pattern conferences, ChiliPLoP, UP
- authorAdministrator
- descriptionThe Hillside Group is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to improving human communication about computers by encouraging people to codify common programming and design practice. We sponsor conferences like PLoP, EuroPLoP, UP, ChiliPLoP, Mensore PLoP, KoalaPLoP and SugarLoafPLoP
Link Tags
14- shortcut icon/templates/rt_solarsentinel/favicon.ico
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71- http://ecoop.org
- http://scrumplop.org
- http://se-radio.net
- http://splashcon.org
- http://wiki.c2.com/?ParaPlop