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Workplace Relations Commission | LinkedIn

Workplace Relations Commission | 22,585 followers on LinkedIn. The single body for first instance workplace relations and equality complaints and dispute resolution in Ireland | The Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) is an independent, statutory body which was established on 1st October 2015 under the Workplace Relations Act 2015 (No. 16 of 2015). It assumes the roles and functions previously carried out by the National Employment Rights Authority (NERA), Equality Tribunal (ET), Labour Relations Commission (LRC), Rights Commissioners Service (RCS), and the first-instance (Complaints and Referrals) functions of the Employment Appeals Tribunal (EAT). The EAT, ET and RCS will continue to operate for a period after establishment of the WRC to deal with legacy cases, i.e. cases which have been specifically referred to them prior to the date on which the WRC was established.


Workplace Relations Commission | LinkedIn

Workplace Relations Commission | 22,585 followers on LinkedIn. The single body for first instance workplace relations and equality complaints and dispute resolution in Ireland | The Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) is an independent, statutory body which was established on 1st October 2015 under the Workplace Relations Act 2015 (No. 16 of 2015). It assumes the roles and functions previously carried out by the National Employment Rights Authority (NERA), Equality Tribunal (ET), Labour Relations Commission (LRC), Rights Commissioners Service (RCS), and the first-instance (Complaints and Referrals) functions of the Employment Appeals Tribunal (EAT). The EAT, ET and RCS will continue to operate for a period after establishment of the WRC to deal with legacy cases, i.e. cases which have been specifically referred to them prior to the date on which the WRC was established.


Workplace Relations Commission | LinkedIn

Workplace Relations Commission | 22,585 followers on LinkedIn. The single body for first instance workplace relations and equality complaints and dispute resolution in Ireland | The Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) is an independent, statutory body which was established on 1st October 2015 under the Workplace Relations Act 2015 (No. 16 of 2015). It assumes the roles and functions previously carried out by the National Employment Rights Authority (NERA), Equality Tribunal (ET), Labour Relations Commission (LRC), Rights Commissioners Service (RCS), and the first-instance (Complaints and Referrals) functions of the Employment Appeals Tribunal (EAT). The EAT, ET and RCS will continue to operate for a period after establishment of the WRC to deal with legacy cases, i.e. cases which have been specifically referred to them prior to the date on which the WRC was established.

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      Workplace Relations Commission | LinkedIn
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    • og:title
      Workplace Relations Commission | LinkedIn
    • og:description
      Workplace Relations Commission | 22,585 followers on LinkedIn. The single body for first instance workplace relations and equality complaints and dispute resolution in Ireland | The Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) is an independent, statutory body which was established on 1st October 2015 under the Workplace Relations Act 2015 (No. 16 of 2015). It assumes the roles and functions previously carried out by the National Employment Rights Authority (NERA), Equality Tribunal (ET), Labour Relations Commission (LRC), Rights Commissioners Service (RCS), and the first-instance (Complaints and Referrals) functions of the Employment Appeals Tribunal (EAT). The EAT, ET and RCS will continue to operate for a period after establishment of the WRC to deal with legacy cases, i.e. cases which have been specifically referred to them prior to the date on which the WRC was established.
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  • Twitter Meta Tags

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      Workplace Relations Commission | LinkedIn
    • twitter:description
      Workplace Relations Commission | 22,585 followers on LinkedIn. The single body for first instance workplace relations and equality complaints and dispute resolution in Ireland | The Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) is an independent, statutory body which was established on 1st October 2015 under the Workplace Relations Act 2015 (No. 16 of 2015). It assumes the roles and functions previously carried out by the National Employment Rights Authority (NERA), Equality Tribunal (ET), Labour Relations Commission (LRC), Rights Commissioners Service (RCS), and the first-instance (Complaints and Referrals) functions of the Employment Appeals Tribunal (EAT). The EAT, ET and RCS will continue to operate for a period after establishment of the WRC to deal with legacy cases, i.e. cases which have been specifically referred to them prior to the date on which the WRC was established.
    • twitter:image
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