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Approach Magazine by navalsafetycommand Stack - Issuu

Naval Safety Command Approach magazine is a quarterly publication providing first-hand accounts of near misses and mishaps from members of the Navy and Marine Corps aviation communities. These, “and there I was,” personal narratives are written by the aviators themselves, and describe experiences and events which, had things gone differently, would have a very different and likely tragic outcome. Since its inception in 1955, Approach magazine has used these first-person narratives to illustrate the importance of implementing sound safety and risk management practices into every aspect of training and operations.


Approach Magazine by navalsafetycommand Stack - Issuu

Naval Safety Command Approach magazine is a quarterly publication providing first-hand accounts of near misses and mishaps from members of the Navy and Marine Corps aviation communities. These, “and there I was,” personal narratives are written by the aviators themselves, and describe experiences and events which, had things gone differently, would have a very different and likely tragic outcome. Since its inception in 1955, Approach magazine has used these first-person narratives to illustrate the importance of implementing sound safety and risk management practices into every aspect of training and operations.


Approach Magazine by navalsafetycommand Stack - Issuu

Naval Safety Command Approach magazine is a quarterly publication providing first-hand accounts of near misses and mishaps from members of the Navy and Marine Corps aviation communities. These, “and there I was,” personal narratives are written by the aviators themselves, and describe experiences and events which, had things gone differently, would have a very different and likely tragic outcome. Since its inception in 1955, Approach magazine has used these first-person narratives to illustrate the importance of implementing sound safety and risk management practices into every aspect of training and operations.

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      Approach Magazine by navalsafetycommand Stack - Issuu
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      Naval Safety Command Approach magazine is a quarterly publication providing first-hand accounts of near misses and mishaps from members of the Navy and Marine Corps aviation communities. These, “and there I was,” personal narratives are written by the aviators themselves, and describe experiences and events which, had things gone differently, would have a very different and likely tragic outcome. Since its inception in 1955, Approach magazine has used these first-person narratives to illustrate the importance of implementing sound safety and risk management practices into every aspect of training and operations.
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  • Open Graph Meta Tags

    • og:description
      Naval Safety Command Approach magazine is a quarterly publication providing first-hand accounts of near misses and mishaps from members of the Navy and Marine Corps aviation communities. These, “and there I was,” personal narratives are written by the aviators themselves, and describe experiences and events which, had things gone differently, would have a very different and likely tragic outcome. Since its inception in 1955, Approach magazine has used these first-person narratives to illustrate the importance of implementing sound safety and risk management practices into every aspect of training and operations.
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    • og:title
      Approach Magazine by navalsafetycommand Stack - Issuu
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  • Twitter Meta Tags

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      Naval Safety Command Approach magazine is a quarterly publication providing first-hand accounts of near misses and mishaps from members of the Navy and Marine Corps aviation communities. These, “and t
    • twitter:site
    • twitter:title
      Approach Magazine by navalsafetycommand Stack - Issuu
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