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iOS 5 Core Frameworks: Develop and Design: Working with graphics, location, iCloud, and more
Apple has made it easy to get started developing for iOS out of the box. To access the true power of iOS, however, you need to go beyond these simple … - Selection from iOS 5 Core Frameworks: Develop and Design: Working with graphics, location, iCloud, and more [Book]
iOS 5 Core Frameworks: Develop and Design: Working with graphics, location, iCloud, and more
Apple has made it easy to get started developing for iOS out of the box. To access the true power of iOS, however, you need to go beyond these simple … - Selection from iOS 5 Core Frameworks: Develop and Design: Working with graphics, location, iCloud, and more [Book]
iOS 5 Core Frameworks: Develop and Design: Working with graphics, location, iCloud, and more
Apple has made it easy to get started developing for iOS out of the box. To access the true power of iOS, however, you need to go beyond these simple … - Selection from iOS 5 Core Frameworks: Develop and Design: Working with graphics, location, iCloud, and more [Book]
General Meta Tags
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Open Graph Meta Tags
11- og:titleiOS 5 Core Frameworks: Develop and Design: Working with graphics, location, iCloud, and more
- og:urlhttps://www.oreilly.com/library/view/ios-5-core/9780132852883/
- og:site_nameO’Reilly Online Learning
- descriptionApple has made it easy to get started developing for iOS out of the box. To access the true power of iOS, however, you need to go beyond these simple … - Selection from iOS 5 Core Frameworks: Develop and Design: Working with graphics, location, iCloud, and more [Book]
- og:typearticle
Twitter Meta Tags
2- twitter:cardsummary_large_image
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Item Prop Meta Tags
3- nameiOS 5 Core Frameworks: Develop and Design: Working with graphics, location, iCloud, and more
- inLanguageen
- publisherPeachpit Press
Link Tags
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