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John Brian King: LAX: Photographs of Los Angeles 1980-84 - LENSCRATCH
I seem to be at LAX (the Los Angeles Airport) at least once a week and have gotten to know it in a more significant way over the years. It’s an ever-changing city of sorts with a cast of low energy guardians moving tired and distracted travelers through its rainbow mosaic tunnels. Photographer, artist, and
John Brian King: LAX: Photographs of Los Angeles 1980-84 - LENSCRATCH
I seem to be at LAX (the Los Angeles Airport) at least once a week and have gotten to know it in a more significant way over the years. It’s an ever-changing city of sorts with a cast of low energy guardians moving tired and distracted travelers through its rainbow mosaic tunnels. Photographer, artist, and
John Brian King: LAX: Photographs of Los Angeles 1980-84 - LENSCRATCH
I seem to be at LAX (the Los Angeles Airport) at least once a week and have gotten to know it in a more significant way over the years. It’s an ever-changing city of sorts with a cast of low energy guardians moving tired and distracted travelers through its rainbow mosaic tunnels. Photographer, artist, and
General Meta Tags
13- titleJohn Brian King: LAX: Photographs of Los Angeles 1980-84 - LENSCRATCH
- charsetUTF-8
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- generatorWordPress 4.2.38
Open Graph Meta Tags
15- og:site_nameLENSCRATCH
- og:typearticle
- og:localeen_US
- og:urlhttps://lenscratch.com/2015/12/john-brian-king-lax-photographs-of-los-angeles-1980-84/
- og:titleJohn Brian King: LAX: Photographs of Los Angeles 1980-84 - LENSCRATCH
Link Tags
24- EditURIhttps://lenscratch.com/xmlrpc.php?rsd
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- canonicalhttps://lenscratch.com/2015/12/john-brian-king-lax-photographs-of-los-angeles-1980-84/
197- http://johnbrianking.com
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- http://lenscratch.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/LAX_013.jpg