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Search Engine Appearance
Pandemic fraud: How aid for struggling Americans let loose a hornets’ nest of criminals
The largest financial rescue package in history attracted an onslaught of fraud against government programs that shows no sign of abating and is destroying lives across the country
Pandemic fraud: How aid for struggling Americans let loose a hornets’ nest of criminals
The largest financial rescue package in history attracted an onslaught of fraud against government programs that shows no sign of abating and is destroying lives across the country
Pandemic fraud: How aid for struggling Americans let loose a hornets’ nest of criminals
The largest financial rescue package in history attracted an onslaught of fraud against government programs that shows no sign of abating and is destroying lives across the country
General Meta Tags
6- titlePandemic fraud: How aid for struggling Americans let loose a hornets’ nest of criminals
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- descriptionThe largest financial rescue package in history attracted an onslaught of fraud against government programs that shows no sign of abating and is destroying lives across the country
- authorRay Colitt
Open Graph Meta Tags
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- og:urlhttps://lexisnexisrisk.shorthandstories.com/pandemic-fraud/
- og:descriptionThe largest financial rescue package in history attracted an onslaught of fraud against government programs that shows no sign of abating and is destroying lives across the country
- og:titlePandemic fraud: How aid for struggling Americans let loose a hornets’ nest of criminals
- og:imagehttps://lexisnexisrisk.shorthandstories.com/pandemic-fraud/assets/cfSDeLUWqT/gettyimages-1043586418_frame-0ms-640x360.jpg
Twitter Meta Tags
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- twitter:titlePandemic fraud: How aid for struggling Americans let loose a hornets’ nest of criminals
- twitter:descriptionThe largest financial rescue package in history attracted an onslaught of fraud against government programs that shows no sign of abating and is destroying lives across the country
Link Tags
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- https://smpresource.org/medicare-fraud/fraud-schemes/covid-19-fraud
- https://waysandmeans.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Jeffrey-Brown-Testimony.pdf