
Preview meta tags from the micronews.debian.org website.

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Yay! We've made it 1 year older, lets look in the mirror to see ... YOU! You, you, you, and you! Debian Users, Editors, Sponsors, Admins, Translators, Contributors, Developers, and Maintainers are the literal faces in the mirror We love you all! #Debianday #FLOSS #Debian #DebianLooksGreatAt31Years

Yay! We've made it 1 year older, lets look in the mirror to see ... YOU! You, you, you, and you! Debian Users, Editors, Sponsors, Admins, Translators, Contributors, Developers, and Maintainers are the literal faces in the mirror We love you all! #Debianday #FLOSS #Debian #DebianLooksGreatAt31Years


Yay! We've made it 1 year older, lets look in the mirror to see ... YOU! You, you, you, and you! Debian Users, Editors, Sponsors, Admins, Translators, Contributors, Developers, and Maintainers are the literal faces in the mirror We love you all! #Debianday #FLOSS #Debian #DebianLooksGreatAt31Years


Yay! We've made it 1 year older, lets look in the mirror to see ... YOU! You, you, you, and you! Debian Users, Editors, Sponsors, Admins, Translators, Contributors, Developers, and Maintainers are the literal faces in the mirror We love you all! #Debianday #FLOSS #Debian #DebianLooksGreatAt31Years



Yay! We've made it 1 year older, lets look in the mirror to see ... YOU! You, you, you, and you! Debian Users, Editors, Sponsors, Admins, Translators, Contributors, Developers, and Maintainers are the literal faces in the mirror We love you all! #Debianday #FLOSS #Debian #DebianLooksGreatAt31Years

Yay! We've made it 1 year older, lets look in the mirror to see ... YOU! You, you, you, and you! Debian Users, Editors, Sponsors, Admins, Translators, Contributors, Developers, and Maintainers are the literal faces in the mirror We love you all! #Debianday #FLOSS #Debian #DebianLooksGreatAt31Years

  • General Meta Tags

    • title
      Yay! We've made it 1 year older, lets look in the mirror to see ... YOU! You, you, you, and you! Debian Users, Editors, Sponsors, Admins, Translators, Contributors, Developers, and Maintainers are the literal faces in the mirror We love you all! #Debianday #FLOSS #Debian #DebianLooksGreatAt31Years
    • charset
  • Open Graph Meta Tags

    • og:type
    • og:locale
    • author
      Donald Norwood
    • og:title
      Yay! We've made it 1 year older, lets look in the mirror to see ... YOU! You, you, you, and you! Debian Users, Editors, Sponsors, Admins, Translators, Contributors, Developers, and Maintainers are the literal faces in the mirror We love you all! #Debianday #FLOSS #Debian #DebianLooksGreatAt31Years
    • description
      Yay! We've made it 1 year older, lets look in the mirror to see ... YOU! You, you, you, and you! Debian Users, Editors, Sponsors, Admins, Translators, Contributors, Developers, and Maintainers are the literal faces in the mirror We love you all! #Debianday #FLOSS #Debian #DebianLooksGreatAt31Years
  • Link Tags

    • alternate
    • alternate
    • canonical
    • stylesheet
