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Share The Meal

We're delighted to confirm that from 2023 onwards our online sponsorship program is 'Share The Meal' from the World Food Programme (WFP). The project has passed 200 million meals shared. We're doing our small part - for every book you buy on the site, we will share a meal. Buy five books, we'll share five meals and so


Share The Meal

We're delighted to confirm that from 2023 onwards our online sponsorship program is 'Share The Meal' from the World Food Programme (WFP). The project has passed 200 million meals shared. We're doing our small part - for every book you buy on the site, we will share a meal. Buy five books, we'll share five meals and so


Share The Meal

We're delighted to confirm that from 2023 onwards our online sponsorship program is 'Share The Meal' from the World Food Programme (WFP). The project has passed 200 million meals shared. We're doing our small part - for every book you buy on the site, we will share a meal. Buy five books, we'll share five meals and so

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      Sherlock Holmes Books by MX Publishing
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      Share The Meal
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      We're delighted to confirm that from 2023 onwards our online sponsorship program is 'Share The Meal' from the World Food Programme (WFP). The project has passed 200 million meals shared. We're doing our small part - for every book you buy on the site, we will share a meal. Buy five books, we'll share five meals and so on.  Our co-founder, Steve Emecz, has been an external advisory council member for the last seven years for the WFP Innovation Accelerator in Munich. He's participated in many bootcamps and innovation nights as well as mentoring several projects.  The WFP won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2020 for their work towards zero hunger and 'Share The Meal' is one of the Innovation Accelerator's most successful projects.  If you'd like to know more, here's a great 6 minute TED talk featuring Bernard Kowatsch, the head of the Innovation Accelerator.
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      Share The Meal
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      We're delighted to confirm that from 2023 onwards our online sponsorship program is 'Share The Meal' from the World Food Programme (WFP). The project has passed 200 million meals shared. We're doing our small part - for every book you buy on the site, we will share a meal. Buy five books, we'll share five meals and so on.  Our co-founder, Steve Emecz, has been an external advisory council member for the last seven years for the WFP Innovation Accelerator in Munich. He's participated in many bootcamps and innovation nights as well as mentoring several projects.  The WFP won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2020 for their work towards zero hunger and 'Share The Meal' is one of the Innovation Accelerator's most successful projects.  If you'd like to know more, here's a great 6 minute TED talk featuring Bernard Kowatsch, the head of the Innovation Accelerator.
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