Preview meta tags from the pca.st website.
Linked Hostnames
16- 2 links toitunes.apple.com
- 1 link tocastro.fm
- 1 link tofeeds.transistor.fm
- 1 link tomarket.android.com
- 1 link toovercast.fm
- 1 link topca.st
- 1 link toplay.google.com
- 1 link toplay.pocketcasts.com
Search Engine Appearance
The New Quantum Era
Your hosts, Sebastian Hassinger and Kevin Rowney, interview brilliant research scientists, software developers, engineers and others actively exploring the possibilities of our new quantum era. We will cover topics in quantum computing, networking and sensing, focusing on hardware, algorithms and general theory. The show aims for accessibility - neither of us are physicists! - and we'll try to provide context for the terminology and glimpses at the fascinating history of this new field as it evolves in real time.
The New Quantum Era
Your hosts, Sebastian Hassinger and Kevin Rowney, interview brilliant research scientists, software developers, engineers and others actively exploring the possibilities of our new quantum era. We will cover topics in quantum computing, networking and sensing, focusing on hardware, algorithms and general theory. The show aims for accessibility - neither of us are physicists! - and we'll try to provide context for the terminology and glimpses at the fascinating history of this new field as it evolves in real time.
The New Quantum Era
Your hosts, Sebastian Hassinger and Kevin Rowney, interview brilliant research scientists, software developers, engineers and others actively exploring the possibilities of our new quantum era. We will cover topics in quantum computing, networking and sensing, focusing on hardware, algorithms and general theory. The show aims for accessibility - neither of us are physicists! - and we'll try to provide context for the terminology and glimpses at the fascinating history of this new field as it evolves in real time.
General Meta Tags
7- titleThe New Quantum Era
- charsetutf-8
- authorPocket Casts
- descriptionYour hosts, Sebastian Hassinger and Kevin Rowney, interview brilliant research scientists, software developers, engineers and others actively exploring the possibilities of our new quantum era. We will cover topics in quantum computing, networking and sensing, focusing on hardware, algorithms and general theory. The show aims for accessibility - neither of us are physicists! - and we'll try to provide context for the terminology and glimpses at the fascinating history of this new field as it evolves in real time.
- apple-itunes-appapp-id=414834813, app-argument=
Open Graph Meta Tags
9- og:titleThe New Quantum Era
- og:descriptionYour hosts, Sebastian Hassinger and Kevin Rowney, interview brilliant research scientists, software developers, engineers and others actively exploring the possibilities of our new quantum era. We will cover topics in quantum computing, networking and sensing, focusing on hardware, algorithms and general theory. The show aims for accessibility - neither of us are physicists! - and we'll try to provide context for the terminology and glimpses at the fascinating history of this new field as it evolves in real time.
- og:site_namePocket Casts
- og:typewebsite
- og:urlhttps://pca.st/lb89045q
Twitter Meta Tags
5- twitter:cardsummary
- twitter:site@pocketcasts
- twitter:titleThe New Quantum Era
- twitter:descriptionYour hosts, Sebastian Hassinger and Kevin Rowney, interview brilliant research scientists, software developers, engineers and others actively exploring the possibilities of our new quantum era. We will cover topics in quantum computing, networking and sensing, focusing on hardware, algorithms and general theory. The show aims for accessibility - neither of us are physicists! - and we'll try to provide context for the terminology and glimpses at the fascinating history of this new field as it evolves in real time.
- twitter:imagehttps://static.pocketcasts.com/discover/images/400/24eb20c0-f4ae-013a-da4f-0acc26574db2.jpg
Link Tags
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17- http://podcast.the-new-quantum-era.com
- http://tumblr.com/widgets/share/tool?canonicalUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fpca.st%2Flb89045q
- https://castro.fm/itunes/1637676725
- https://feeds.transistor.fm/the-new-quantum-era
- https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/pocket-casts/id414834813