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Fellowship Payments and Reimbursements for Students and Non-employee Postdocs/Fellows
Policy Statement Per the IRS, a fellowship is an amount paid to or allowed for the benefit of an individual to aid in the pursuit of that individual’s own study or research. At Harvard, we use the term “fellowships” to refer to a host of payments: awards, stipends, grants, and allowances. Fellowships are generally gross income to the recipient, unless they are qualified payments for required tuition and fees for a degree program.
Fellowship Payments and Reimbursements for Students and Non-employee Postdocs/Fellows
Policy Statement Per the IRS, a fellowship is an amount paid to or allowed for the benefit of an individual to aid in the pursuit of that individual’s own study or research. At Harvard, we use the term “fellowships” to refer to a host of payments: awards, stipends, grants, and allowances. Fellowships are generally gross income to the recipient, unless they are qualified payments for required tuition and fees for a degree program.
Fellowship Payments and Reimbursements for Students and Non-employee Postdocs/Fellows
Policy Statement Per the IRS, a fellowship is an amount paid to or allowed for the benefit of an individual to aid in the pursuit of that individual’s own study or research. At Harvard, we use the term “fellowships” to refer to a host of payments: awards, stipends, grants, and allowances. Fellowships are generally gross income to the recipient, unless they are qualified payments for required tuition and fees for a degree program.
General Meta Tags
6- titleFellowship Payments and Reimbursements for Students and Non-employee Postdocs/Fellows | Financial Policy Office
- charsetutf-8
- descriptionPolicy Statement Per the IRS, a fellowship is an amount paid to or allowed for the benefit of an individual to aid in the pursuit of that individual’s own study or research. At Harvard, we use the term “fellowships” to refer to a host of payments: awards, stipends, grants, and allowances. Fellowships are generally gross income to the recipient, unless they are qualified payments for required tuition and fees for a degree program.
- generatorOpenScholar for Drupal 7 (http://theopenscholar.org)
- x-ua-compatibleIE=edge
Open Graph Meta Tags
3- og:typearticle
- og:titleFellowship Payments and Reimbursements for Students and Non-employee Postdocs/Fellows
- og:descriptionPolicy Statement Per the IRS, a fellowship is an amount paid to or allowed for the benefit of an individual to aid in the pursuit of that individual’s own study or research. At Harvard, we use the term “fellowships” to refer to a host of payments: awards, stipends, grants, and allowances. Fellowships are generally gross income to the recipient, unless they are qualified payments for required tuition and fees for a degree program.
Twitter Meta Tags
4- twitter:cardsummary
- twitter:titleFellowship Payments and Reimbursements for Students and Non-employee Postdocs/Fellows
- twitter:descriptionPolicy Statement
- twitter:imagehttps://policies.fad.harvard.edu/
Link Tags
12- canonicalhttps://policies.fad.harvard.edu/fellowships-vs-reimbursements
- nexthttps://policies.fad.harvard.edu/credit-card-policy
- prevhttps://policies.fad.harvard.edu/classification-employee-fellow-vs-nonemployee-fellow
- shortcut iconhttps://policies.fad.harvard.edu/profiles/openscholar/themes/hwpi_basetheme/favicon.png
- shortlinkhttps://policies.fad.harvard.edu/node/364816
41- http://osp.fad.harvard.edu/content/stipends-sponsored-awards
- http://policies.fad.harvard.edu/pages/business_expense_reimbursements
- http://policies.fad.harvard.edu/pages/travel-0
- http://www.harvard.edu
- http://www.irs.gov/uac/Publication-970,-Tax-Benefits-for-Education-1