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You Can't Eat Electricity' Why tackling inequality and hunger should be at the heart of low carbon development in South Africa - Oxfam Policy & Practice
How can low carbon development be pursued without making inequality and food insecurity worse? South Africa, like many middle income countries, faces the challenge of how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the context of high levels of inequality and persistent hunger and malnutrition. High, and rising, prices force too many people to choose between […]
You Can't Eat Electricity' Why tackling inequality and hunger should be at the heart of low carbon development in South Africa - Oxfam Policy & Practice
How can low carbon development be pursued without making inequality and food insecurity worse? South Africa, like many middle income countries, faces the challenge of how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the context of high levels of inequality and persistent hunger and malnutrition. High, and rising, prices force too many people to choose between […]
You Can't Eat Electricity' Why tackling inequality and hunger should be at the heart of low carbon development in South Africa - Oxfam Policy & Practice
How can low carbon development be pursued without making inequality and food insecurity worse? South Africa, like many middle income countries, faces the challenge of how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the context of high levels of inequality and persistent hunger and malnutrition. High, and rising, prices force too many people to choose between […]
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19- titleYou Can't Eat Electricity' Why tackling inequality and hunger should be at the heart of low carbon development in South Africa - Oxfam Policy & Practice
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6- og:localeen_US
- og:typearticle
- og:titleYou Can't Eat Electricity' Why tackling inequality and hunger should be at the heart of low carbon development in South Africa - Oxfam Policy & Practice
- og:descriptionHow can low carbon development be pursued without making inequality and food insecurity worse? South Africa, like many middle income countries, faces the challenge of how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the context of high levels of inequality and persistent hunger and malnutrition. High, and rising, prices force too many people to choose between […]
- og:urlhttps://policy-practice.oxfam.org/resources/you-cant-eat-electricity-why-tackling-inequality-and-hunger-should-be-at-the-he-292662/
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4- ?body=You Can’t Eat Electricity’ Why tackling inequality and hunger should be at the heart of low carbon development in South Africa https://policy-practice.oxfam.org/resources/you-cant-eat-electricity-why-tackling-inequality-and-hunger-should-be-at-the-he-292662/
- ?body=Growing a Better Future in Viet Nam: Expanding Rights, Voices and Choices for Small-scale Farmers https://policy-practice.oxfam.org/resources/growing-a-better-future-in-viet-nam-expanding-rights-voices-and-choices-for-sma-250351/
- ?body=Biofuel Blunders: Time to fix two decades of EU policies driving food insecurity https://policy-practice.oxfam.org/resources/biofuel-blunders-time-to-fix-two-decades-of-eu-policies-driving-food-insecurity-621622/
- ?body=El Nino: The case for urgent action https://policy-practice.oxfam.org/resources/el-nino-the-case-for-urgent-action-583920/
102- https://oxfamilibrary.openrepository.com/bitstream/10546/292662/1/dp-south-africa-low-carbon-development-inequality-hunger-280513-en.pdf
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