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Hacking Auto-GPT and escaping its docker container | Positive Security
We leverage indirect prompt injection to trick Auto-GPT (GPT-4) into executing arbitrary code when it is asked to perform a seemingly harmless task such as text summarization on a malicious website, and discovered vulnerabilities that allow escaping its sandboxed execution environment.
Hacking Auto-GPT and escaping its docker container | Positive Security
We leverage indirect prompt injection to trick Auto-GPT (GPT-4) into executing arbitrary code when it is asked to perform a seemingly harmless task such as text summarization on a malicious website, and discovered vulnerabilities that allow escaping its sandboxed execution environment.
Hacking Auto-GPT and escaping its docker container | Positive Security
We leverage indirect prompt injection to trick Auto-GPT (GPT-4) into executing arbitrary code when it is asked to perform a seemingly harmless task such as text summarization on a malicious website, and discovered vulnerabilities that allow escaping its sandboxed execution environment.
General Meta Tags
7- titleHacking Auto-GPT and escaping its docker container | Positive Security
- charsetutf-8
- descriptionWe leverage indirect prompt injection to trick Auto-GPT (GPT-4) into executing arbitrary code when it is asked to perform a seemingly harmless task such as text summarization on a malicious website, and discovered vulnerabilities that allow escaping its sandboxed execution environment.
- twitter:titleHacking Auto-GPT and escaping its docker container | Positive Security
- twitter:descriptionWe leverage indirect prompt injection to trick Auto-GPT (GPT-4) into executing arbitrary code when it is asked to perform a seemingly harmless task such as text summarization on a malicious website, and discovered vulnerabilities that allow escaping its sandboxed execution environment.
Open Graph Meta Tags
4- og:titleHacking Auto-GPT and escaping its docker container | Positive Security
- og:descriptionWe leverage indirect prompt injection to trick Auto-GPT (GPT-4) into executing arbitrary code when it is asked to perform a seemingly harmless task such as text summarization on a malicious website, and discovered vulnerabilities that allow escaping its sandboxed execution environment.
- og:imagehttps://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5f6498c074436c349716e747/649c274942ea5052b44ec83e_Auto-GPT-RCE-exploit-path.png
- og:typewebsite
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