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Banking Barometer 2024 - Banking Barometer 2024

The banking sector makes a vital contribution to the success of Switzerland’s economy and financial centre. The country is one of the world’s leading financial centres and the number one in cross-border wealth manage­ment. Assets under management at banks in Switzerland almost returned to the record level of 2021 in 2023. Overall, the banks in Switzerland posted further increases in net income from already high levels last year. Interest operations and trading activities performed well, and the figures for 2024 also bode well despite the challenges that persist.


Banking Barometer 2024 - Banking Barometer 2024

The banking sector makes a vital contribution to the success of Switzerland’s economy and financial centre. The country is one of the world’s leading financial centres and the number one in cross-border wealth manage­ment. Assets under management at banks in Switzerland almost returned to the record level of 2021 in 2023. Overall, the banks in Switzerland posted further increases in net income from already high levels last year. Interest operations and trading activities performed well, and the figures for 2024 also bode well despite the challenges that persist.


Banking Barometer 2024 - Banking Barometer 2024

The banking sector makes a vital contribution to the success of Switzerland’s economy and financial centre. The country is one of the world’s leading financial centres and the number one in cross-border wealth manage­ment. Assets under management at banks in Switzerland almost returned to the record level of 2021 in 2023. Overall, the banks in Switzerland posted further increases in net income from already high levels last year. Interest operations and trading activities performed well, and the figures for 2024 also bode well despite the challenges that persist.

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      Banking Barometer 2024 - Banking Barometer 2024
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      The banking sector makes a vital contribution to the success of Switzerland’s economy and financial centre. The country is one of the world’s leading financial centres and the number one in cross-border wealth manage­ment. Assets under management at banks in Switzerland almost returned to the record level of 2021 in 2023. Overall, the banks in Switzerland posted further increases in net income from already high levels last year. Interest operations and trading activities performed well, and the figures for 2024 also bode well despite the challenges that persist.
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      Banking Barometer 2024 - Banking Barometer 2024
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      The banking sector makes a vital contribution to the success of Switzerland’s economy and financial centre. The country is one of the world’s leading financial centres and the number one in cross-border wealth manage­ment. Assets under management at banks in Switzerland almost returned to the record level of 2021 in 2023. Overall, the banks in Switzerland posted further increases in net income from already high levels last year. Interest operations and trading activities performed well, and the figures for 2024 also bode well despite the challenges that persist.
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