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A poem just for you
Life's not a race Don't fall on your face Trying to keep up with someone else's pace Cut through the noise within your mental space Deep inside, you know just what to do Color your life, with your own magnificent hue Go towards where your energy takes you To yourself,
A poem just for you
Life's not a race Don't fall on your face Trying to keep up with someone else's pace Cut through the noise within your mental space Deep inside, you know just what to do Color your life, with your own magnificent hue Go towards where your energy takes you To yourself,
A poem just for you
Life's not a race Don't fall on your face Trying to keep up with someone else's pace Cut through the noise within your mental space Deep inside, you know just what to do Color your life, with your own magnificent hue Go towards where your energy takes you To yourself,
General Meta Tags
11- titleA poem just for you
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Open Graph Meta Tags
8- og:site_nameRizwan Javaid
- og:typearticle
- og:titleA poem just for you
- og:descriptionLife's not a race Don't fall on your face Trying to keep up with someone else's pace Cut through the noise within your mental space Deep inside, you know just what to do Color your life, with your own magnificent hue Go towards where your energy takes you To yourself,
- og:urlhttps://www.rizwanjavaid.com/blog/a-poem-just-for-you/
Twitter Meta Tags
10- twitter:cardsummary_large_image
- twitter:titleA poem just for you
- twitter:descriptionLife's not a race Don't fall on your face Trying to keep up with someone else's pace Cut through the noise within your mental space Deep inside, you know just what to do Color your life, with your own magnificent hue Go towards where your energy takes you To yourself,
- twitter:urlhttps://www.rizwanjavaid.com/blog/a-poem-just-for-you/
- twitter:imagehttps://www.rizwanjavaid.com/content/images/2022/02/Poem-Image---Rizwan.png
Link Tags
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10- https://rizwanjavaid.com/author/rizwan
- https://rizwanjavaid.com/podcast/17-shine-and-flourish-in-your-career-using-the-bubble-method-face-reading-with-hilary-cluett
- https://rizwanjavaid.com/podcast/18-breaking-the-cycle-of-overthinking-plus-strategies-and-tools-for-managing-your-thoughts-with-kim-witten
- https://rizwanjavaid.com/podcast/19-helping-ux-professionals-through-career-change-with-intention-mindfulness-and-confidence-with-amy-santee
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