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Fancy a Cuppa?
So after I made my last AO3 work skin, insanewordcount and I were discussing the different possibilities of implementing more visual elements in fanfiction without resorting to static images. So...
Fancy a Cuppa?
So after I made my last AO3 work skin, insanewordcount and I were discussing the different possibilities of implementing more visual elements in fanfiction without resorting to static images. So...
Fancy a Cuppa?
So after I made my last AO3 work skin, insanewordcount and I were discussing the different possibilities of implementing more visual elements in fanfiction without resorting to static images. So...
General Meta Tags
59- titleFancy a Cuppa?
- descriptionSo after I made my last AO3 work skin, insanewordcount and I were discussing the different possibilities of implementing more visual elements in fanfiction without resorting to static images. So...
- color:background#ddd
- color:sidebartext#2e2a24
- color:sidebartitle#2e2a24
Open Graph Meta Tags
30- og:site_nameTumblr
- og:titleFancy a Cuppa?
- og:descriptionSo after I made my last AO3 work skin, insanewordcount and I were discussing the different possibilities of implementing more visual elements in fanfiction without resorting to static images. So...
- og:urlhttps://teekettle.tumblr.com/post/121690800779/so-after-i-made-my-last-ao3-work-skin
- og:typearticle
Twitter Meta Tags
15- twitter:cardsummary_large_image
- twitter:titleteekettle
- twitter:descriptionSo after I made my last AO3 work skin, insanewordcount and I were discussing the different possibilities of implementing more visual elements in fanfiction without resorting to static images. So...
- twitter:imagehttps://64.media.tumblr.com/7378cd138fb431df14f264fe8a8e421e/tumblr_nq1p3lzL0f1rrj961o1_500.png
- twitter:urlhttps://teekettle.tumblr.com/post/121690800779/so-after-i-made-my-last-ao3-work-skin
Link Tags
12- alternatehttps://teekettle.tumblr.com/rss
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- amphtmlhttps://teekettle.tumblr.com/post/121690800779/so-after-i-made-my-last-ao3-work-skin/amp
89- http://archiveofourown.org/skins/new?skin_type=WorkSkin
- http://archiveofourown.org/works/4390949
- http://octomoosey.tumblr.com
- http://teekettle.tumblr.com/post/120631771129/example-text-seem-familiar-well-it-should-so
- http://teekettle.tumblr.com/tagged/my-fanfiction