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Parker Hill
Mel Brooks was once asked what the most difficult part of film making was. Without hesitation he replied: "The holes, man! Punching all those holes!"
Parker Hill
Mel Brooks was once asked what the most difficult part of film making was. Without hesitation he replied: "The holes, man! Punching all those holes!"
Parker Hill
Mel Brooks was once asked what the most difficult part of film making was. Without hesitation he replied: "The holes, man! Punching all those holes!"
General Meta Tags
17- titleParker Hill - Director
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- al:ios:app_nameVimeo
Open Graph Meta Tags
8- og:typeprofile
- og:site_nameVimeo
- og:url
- og:titleParker Hill
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Twitter Meta Tags
15- twitter:cardsummary
- twitter:site@vimeo
- twitter:titleParker Hill - Director
- twitter:descriptionMel Brooks was once asked what the most difficult part of film making was. Without hesitation he replied: "The holes, man! Punching all those holes!"
- twitter:image
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