Preview meta tags from the www.ageinternational.org.uk website.
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2General Meta Tags
5- titleDonate now to help older people | Age International
- charsetutf-8
- viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0
- keywords
- descriptionAge International specialises in helping older people in some of the world's poorest places. We are the international arm of Age UK and the UK member of HelpAge, the largest global network to support older people.
Link Tags
3- canonicalhttps://www.ageinternational.org.uk/donation/donate/
- shortcut icon/assets/ageint/static/images/assets/favicon.ico?v=19633
- stylesheet/assets/ageint/static/css/styles.css?v=19633
11- https://www.ageinternational.org.uk
- https://www.ageinternational.org.uk/contact
- https://www.ageinternational.org.uk/contact-us
- https://www.ageinternational.org.uk/help/accessibility
- https://www.ageinternational.org.uk/help/cookie-policy