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The cost-of-living crisis: is the support you're offering employees sustainable?

The UK cost-of-living crisis began in late 2021 and shows no signs of letting up as 2023 unfolds. Prices continue to rise, and recession looms. Businesses are feeling the impact of the ongoing crisis in many ways, from the financial pressures of unbudgeted pay rises, staff jumping ship for higher salaries, and employees' poor attendance and performance due to financial stress. What cost-of-living-crisis support are companies offering, and how else are they encouraging staff to stay during these challenging times?


The cost-of-living crisis: is the support you're offering employees sustainable?


The UK cost-of-living crisis began in late 2021 and shows no signs of letting up as 2023 unfolds. Prices continue to rise, and recession looms. Businesses are feeling the impact of the ongoing crisis in many ways, from the financial pressures of unbudgeted pay rises, staff jumping ship for higher salaries, and employees' poor attendance and performance due to financial stress. What cost-of-living-crisis support are companies offering, and how else are they encouraging staff to stay during these challenging times?



The cost-of-living crisis: is the support you're offering employees sustainable?

The UK cost-of-living crisis began in late 2021 and shows no signs of letting up as 2023 unfolds. Prices continue to rise, and recession looms. Businesses are feeling the impact of the ongoing crisis in many ways, from the financial pressures of unbudgeted pay rises, staff jumping ship for higher salaries, and employees' poor attendance and performance due to financial stress. What cost-of-living-crisis support are companies offering, and how else are they encouraging staff to stay during these challenging times?

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      The cost-of-living crisis: is the support you're offering employees sustainable?
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      The UK cost-of-living crisis began in late 2021 and shows no signs of letting up as 2023 unfolds. Prices continue to rise, and recession looms. Businesses are feeling the impact of the ongoing crisis in many ways, from the financial pressures of unbudgeted pay rises, staff jumping ship for higher salaries, and employees' poor attendance and performance due to financial stress. What cost-of-living-crisis support are companies offering, and how else are they encouraging staff to stay during these challenging times?
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      The cost-of-living crisis: is the support you're offering employees sustainable?
    • twitter:description
      The UK cost-of-living crisis began in late 2021 and shows no signs of letting up as 2023 unfolds. Prices continue to rise, and recession looms. Businesses are feeling the impact of the ongoing crisis in many ways, from the financial pressures of unbudgeted pay rises, staff jumping ship for higher salaries, and employees' poor attendance and performance due to financial stress. What cost-of-living-crisis support are companies offering, and how else are they encouraging staff to stay during these challenging times?
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      The cost-of-living crisis: is the support you're offering employees sustainable?
    • og:description
      The UK cost-of-living crisis began in late 2021 and shows no signs of letting up as 2023 unfolds. Prices continue to rise, and recession looms. Businesses are feeling the impact of the ongoing crisis in many ways, from the financial pressures of unbudgeted pay rises, staff jumping ship for higher salaries, and employees' poor attendance and performance due to financial stress. What cost-of-living-crisis support are companies offering, and how else are they encouraging staff to stay during these challenging times?
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