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Condo conversions and tax bills
Tax bills for a given fiscal year always reflect the status of the property on January 1 prior to the start of the fiscal year. If a property is sold or the use of the property changes, those updates aren’t immediately reflected in a tax bill.
Condo conversions and tax bills
Tax bills for a given fiscal year always reflect the status of the property on January 1 prior to the start of the fiscal year. If a property is sold or the use of the property changes, those updates aren’t immediately reflected in a tax bill.
Condo conversions and tax bills
Tax bills for a given fiscal year always reflect the status of the property on January 1 prior to the start of the fiscal year. If a property is sold or the use of the property changes, those updates aren’t immediately reflected in a tax bill.
General Meta Tags
16- titleCondo conversions and tax bills | Boston.gov
- titlecity_hall
- titlelock
- titlelock
- titleSearch
Open Graph Meta Tags
8- og:site_nameBoston.gov
- og:urlhttps://www.boston.gov/departments/assessing/condo-conversions-and-tax-bills
- og:titleCondo conversions and tax bills
- og:descriptionTax bills for a given fiscal year always reflect the status of the property on January 1 prior to the start of the fiscal year. If a property is sold or the use of the property changes, those updates aren’t immediately reflected in a tax bill.
- og:imagehttps://patterns.boston.gov/images/global/icons/seal_dark_1000x1000.png
Twitter Meta Tags
7- twitter:cardsummary
- twitter:titleCondo conversions and tax bills
- twitter:site@CityOfBoston
- twitter:descriptionTax bills for a given fiscal year always reflect the status of the property on January 1 prior to the start of the fiscal year. If a property is sold or the use of the property changes, those updates aren’t immediately reflected in a tax bill.
- twitter:site:id124455872
Link Tags
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- shortlinkhttps://www.boston.gov/node/656
Website Locales
1- undhttps://www.boston.gov/departments/assessing/condo-conversions-and-tax-bills
33- http://www.bostonpublicschools.org/Page/628
- http://www.cityofboston.gov/311
- https://bostonma.govqa.us/WEBAPP/_rs/(S(den310hnrpqz2rzh5lgbgsby))/SupportHome.aspx
- https://www.boston.gov
- https://www.boston.gov/career-center