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The hypocrisy of the Alex Jones purge shows Facebook is morally spineless
When asked by CNN's Oliver Darcy why Infowars still had a presence on Facebook after the social-media company said it would clamp down on intentionally false news in mid-July, Facebook said it thought banning Infowars "would be contrary to the basic principles of free speech."
The hypocrisy of the Alex Jones purge shows Facebook is morally spineless
When asked by CNN's Oliver Darcy why Infowars still had a presence on Facebook after the social-media company said it would clamp down on intentionally false news in mid-July, Facebook said it thought banning Infowars "would be contrary to the basic principles of free speech."
The hypocrisy of the Alex Jones purge shows Facebook is morally spineless
When asked by CNN's Oliver Darcy why Infowars still had a presence on Facebook after the social-media company said it would clamp down on intentionally false news in mid-July, Facebook said it thought banning Infowars "would be contrary to the basic principles of free speech."
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35- titleAlex Jones Purge Shows Facebook Spineless, No Moral Leadership - Business Insider
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9- og:titleThe hypocrisy of the Alex Jones purge shows Facebook is morally spineless
- og:descriptionWhen asked by CNN's Oliver Darcy why Infowars still had a presence on Facebook after the social-media company said it would clamp down on intentionally false news in mid-July, Facebook said it thought banning Infowars "would be contrary to the basic principles of free speech."
- og:typearticle
- og:urlhttps://www.businessinsider.com/alex-jones-purge-facebook-spineless-corporation-no-moral-leadership-2018-8
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