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Biodiversity COP 16: Important Agreements Reached Towards making "Peace with Nature”
The strong results, built on a spirit of compromise, and dialogue, demonstrate that multilateralism can still achieve results in a fractious time. After almost 12 hours of meeting in the Plenary session, COP 16 lost quorum at roughly 9am and was suspended before the remaining agenda items could be considered for adoption. COP 16 will resume at a later date and venue to complete the agenda.
Biodiversity COP 16: Important Agreements Reached Towards making "Peace with Nature”
The strong results, built on a spirit of compromise, and dialogue, demonstrate that multilateralism can still achieve results in a fractious time. After almost 12 hours of meeting in the Plenary session, COP 16 lost quorum at roughly 9am and was suspended before the remaining agenda items could be considered for adoption. COP 16 will resume at a later date and venue to complete the agenda.
Biodiversity COP 16: Important Agreements Reached Towards making "Peace with Nature”
The strong results, built on a spirit of compromise, and dialogue, demonstrate that multilateralism can still achieve results in a fractious time. After almost 12 hours of meeting in the Plenary session, COP 16 lost quorum at roughly 9am and was suspended before the remaining agenda items could be considered for adoption. COP 16 will resume at a later date and venue to complete the agenda.
General Meta Tags
8- titleBiodiversity COP 16: Important Agreements Reached Towards making "Peace with Nature” | Convention on Biological Diversity
- charsetutf-8
- descriptionThe strong results, built on a spirit of compromise, and dialogue, demonstrate that multilateralism can still achieve results in a fractious time. After almost 12 hours of meeting in the Plenary session, COP 16 lost quorum at roughly 9am and was suspended before the remaining agenda items could be considered for adoption. COP 16 will resume at a later date and venue to complete the agenda.
- GeneratorDrupal 9 (https://www.drupal.org)
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Open Graph Meta Tags
6- og:site_nameConvention on Biological Diversity
- og:urlhttps://www.cbd.int/article/agreement-reached-cop-16
- og:titleBiodiversity COP 16: Important Agreements Reached Towards making "Peace with Nature”
- og:descriptionThe strong results, built on a spirit of compromise, and dialogue, demonstrate that multilateralism can still achieve results in a fractious time. After almost 12 hours of meeting in the Plenary session, COP 16 lost quorum at roughly 9am and was suspended before the remaining agenda items could be considered for adoption. COP 16 will resume at a later date and venue to complete the agenda.
- og:imagehttps://www.cbd.int/sites/default/files/2024-11/CBD_COP16-7560.jpg
Twitter Meta Tags
4- twitter:titleBiodiversity COP 16: Important Agreements Reached Towards making "Peace with Nature”
- twitter:descriptionThe strong results, built on a spirit of compromise, and dialogue, demonstrate that multilateralism can still achieve results in a fractious time. After almost 12 hours of meeting in the Plenary session, COP 16 lost quorum at roughly 9am and was suspended before the remaining agenda items could be considered for adoption. COP 16 will resume at a later date and venue to complete the agenda.
- twitter:urlhttps://www.cbd.int/article/agreement-reached-cop-16
- twitter:imagehttps://www.cbd.int/sites/default/files/2024-11/CBD_COP16-7560.jpg
Link Tags
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