Preview meta tags from the www.cccd.coop website.
Linked Hostnames
21- 46 links towww.cccd.coop
- 1 link toarizmendi.coop
- 1 link tocheeseboardcollective.coop
- 1 link tofinance.groups.yahoo.com
- 1 link toprosperacoops.org
- 1 link totriangleparkcreative.com
- 1 link totwitter.com
- 1 link tousworker.coop
General Meta Tags
7- titleWorker Co-ops | California Center for Cooperative Development
- charsetutf-8
- descriptionA worker cooperative is a democratically managed business that is owned and controlled by the workers. The cooperative form of organization allows ordinary people to combine their energy, capital, and skills to gain steady employment and income, participate in the ownership and management of their business, and share the profits made from their investment and labor.
- generatorDrupal 7 (https://www.drupal.org)
- MobileOptimizedwidth
Link Tags
10- canonicalhttps://www.cccd.coop/co-op-info/co-op-types/worker-co-ops
- shortcut iconhttps://www.cccd.coop/sites/all/themes/cccd/favicon.ico
- shortlinkhttps://www.cccd.coop/node/23
- stylesheethttps://www.cccd.coop/sites/default/files/css/css_lQaZfjVpwP_oGNqdtWCSpJT1EMqXdMiU84ekLLxQnc4.css
- stylesheethttps://www.cccd.coop/sites/default/files/css/css_-TNq6F6EH1K3WcBMUMQP90OkyCq0Lyv1YnyoEj3kxiU.css
66- http://arizmendi.coop
- http://cheeseboardcollective.coop
- http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/programmercoops
- http://prosperacoops.org
- http://triangleparkcreative.com