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Duality review on Vanish magazine
What is Duality? You show your spectators a video of yourself (or an assistant or an animated character) on your mobile screen and ask a volunteer to think of any number (or name, picture, drawing, etc.) while the video is playing.The idea to film a prediction video and to input the data while you are watching the vide
Duality review on Vanish magazine
What is Duality? You show your spectators a video of yourself (or an assistant or an animated character) on your mobile screen and ask a volunteer to think of any number (or name, picture, drawing, etc.) while the video is playing.The idea to film a prediction video and to input the data while you are watching the vide
Duality review on Vanish magazine
What is Duality? You show your spectators a video of yourself (or an assistant or an animated character) on your mobile screen and ask a volunteer to think of any number (or name, picture, drawing, etc.) while the video is playing.The idea to film a prediction video and to input the data while you are watching the vide
General Meta Tags
12- titleDuality review on Vanish magazine – Cobra Magic - Modern Mentalism Devices
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Open Graph Meta Tags
7- og:site_nameCobra Magic - Modern Mentalism Devices
- og:urlhttps://www.cobra-magic.com/blogs/news/duality-review
- og:titleDuality review on Vanish magazine
- og:typearticle
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Twitter Meta Tags
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