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Number of Mobile-Only Internet Users Now Exceeds Desktop-Only in the U.S.
Mobile’s rise over the past few years has been well-documented as it continues to achieve major milestones illustrating its immense popularity, such as last year when app usage surpassed desktop usage and began accounting for half of all U.S. digital media consumption. But its latest milestone shows...
Number of Mobile-Only Internet Users Now Exceeds Desktop-Only in the U.S.
Mobile’s rise over the past few years has been well-documented as it continues to achieve major milestones illustrating its immense popularity, such as last year when app usage surpassed desktop usage and began accounting for half of all U.S. digital media consumption. But its latest milestone shows...
Number of Mobile-Only Internet Users Now Exceeds Desktop-Only in the U.S.
Mobile’s rise over the past few years has been well-documented as it continues to achieve major milestones illustrating its immense popularity, such as last year when app usage surpassed desktop usage and began accounting for half of all U.S. digital media consumption. But its latest milestone shows...
General Meta Tags
19- titleNumber of Mobile-Only Internet Users Now Exceeds Desktop-Only... - Comscore, Inc.
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- apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-styleblack
Open Graph Meta Tags
5- og:site_nameComscore, Inc.
- og:titleNumber of Mobile-Only Internet Users Now Exceeds Desktop-Only in the U.S.
- og:descriptionMobile’s rise over the past few years has been well-documented as it continues to achieve major milestones illustrating its immense popularity, such as last year when app usage surpassed desktop usage and began accounting for half of all U.S. digital media consumption. But its latest milestone shows...
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