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ConnectWise Extends Olive Branch To Fend Off Ransomware Hits | CRN

Using the model of a neighborhood fire brigade in which everyone pitched in to keep the flames from spreading, ConnectWise Chief Information Security Officer John Ford hopes to create an organization that will collect reliable information about an attack as it happens, and share it with a community of fellow MSPs and vendors who can chime in with best practices and hopefully mitigate the chaos that is left following a ransomware hit.


ConnectWise Extends Olive Branch To Fend Off Ransomware Hits | CRN


Using the model of a neighborhood fire brigade in which everyone pitched in to keep the flames from spreading, ConnectWise Chief Information Security Officer John Ford hopes to create an organization that will collect reliable information about an attack as it happens, and share it with a community of fellow MSPs and vendors who can chime in with best practices and hopefully mitigate the chaos that is left following a ransomware hit.



ConnectWise Extends Olive Branch To Fend Off Ransomware Hits | CRN

Using the model of a neighborhood fire brigade in which everyone pitched in to keep the flames from spreading, ConnectWise Chief Information Security Officer John Ford hopes to create an organization that will collect reliable information about an attack as it happens, and share it with a community of fellow MSPs and vendors who can chime in with best practices and hopefully mitigate the chaos that is left following a ransomware hit.

  • General Meta Tags

    • title
      ConnectWise Extends Olive Branch To Fend Off Ransomware Hits | CRN
    • description
      Using the model of a neighborhood fire brigade in which everyone pitched in to keep the flames from spreading, ConnectWise Chief Information Security Officer John Ford hopes to create an organization that will collect reliable information about an attack as it happens, and share it with a community of fellow MSPs and vendors who can chime in with best practices and hopefully mitigate the chaos that is left following a ransomware hit.
    • keywords
      Application and Platform Security
    • template
    • format-detection
  • Open Graph Meta Tags

    • og:title
      ConnectWise Extends Olive Branch To Fend Off Ransomware Hits | CRN
    • og:description
      Using the model of a neighborhood fire brigade in which everyone pitched in to keep the flames from spreading, ConnectWise Chief Information Security Officer John Ford hopes to create an organization that will collect reliable information about an attack as it happens, and share it with a community of fellow MSPs and vendors who can chime in with best practices and hopefully mitigate the chaos that is left following a ransomware hit.
    • og:url
    • og:image
    • og:image:secure_url
  • Twitter Meta Tags

    • twitter:card
    • twitter:title
      ConnectWise Extends Olive Branch To Fend Off Ransomware Hits | CRN
    • twitter:description
      Using the model of a neighborhood fire brigade in which everyone pitched in to keep the flames from spreading, ConnectWise Chief Information Security Officer John Ford hopes to create an organization that will collect reliable information about an attack as it happens, and share it with a community of fellow MSPs and vendors who can chime in with best practices and hopefully mitigate the chaos that is left following a ransomware hit.
    • twitter:image
  • Link Tags

    • apple-touch-icon
    • canonical
    • stylesheet
