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Diabetolog: Diabetes tracker & log book — ✴︎
The modern log book you need to help you keep your diabetes in check. Track your blood glucose readings and your insulin and meds intakes with the least possible effort.
Diabetolog: Diabetes tracker & log book — ✴︎
The modern log book you need to help you keep your diabetes in check. Track your blood glucose readings and your insulin and meds intakes with the least possible effort.
Diabetolog: Diabetes tracker & log book — ✴︎
The modern log book you need to help you keep your diabetes in check. Track your blood glucose readings and your insulin and meds intakes with the least possible effort.
General Meta Tags
6- titleDiabetolog: Diabetes tracker & log book — ✴︎
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Open Graph Meta Tags
5- og:site_name✴︎
- og:titleDiabetolog: Diabetes tracker & log book — ✴︎
- og:urlhttps://www.cubesoft.fr/diabetolog
- og:typewebsite
- og:descriptionThe modern log book you need to help you keep your diabetes in check. Track your blood glucose readings and your insulin and meds intakes with the least possible effort.
Twitter Meta Tags
4- twitter:titleDiabetolog: Diabetes tracker & log book — ✴︎
- twitter:urlhttps://www.cubesoft.fr/diabetolog
- twitter:cardsummary
- twitter:descriptionThe modern log book you need to help you keep your diabetes in check. Track your blood glucose readings and your insulin and meds intakes with the least possible effort.
Item Prop Meta Tags
3- nameDiabetolog: Diabetes tracker & log book — ✴︎
- urlhttps://www.cubesoft.fr/diabetolog
- descriptionThe modern log book you need to help you keep your diabetes in check. Track your blood glucose readings and your insulin and meds intakes with the least possible effort.
Link Tags
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15- http://twitter.com/diabetoapp
- https://appadvice.com/best-ios-apps-of-the-week/may-6-2018
- https://apps.apple.com/app/apple-store/id1328918499?ct=Cubesoft&mt=8&pt=485856
- https://gizmodo.uol.com.br/melhores-apps-ipad-iphone-253
- https://www.cubesoft.fr