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Review: NDepend for Visual Studio
NDepend takes code analysis to a whole new level. In this review, I cover the benefits of owning this must-have tool.
Review: NDepend for Visual Studio
NDepend takes code analysis to a whole new level. In this review, I cover the benefits of owning this must-have tool.
Review: NDepend for Visual Studio
NDepend takes code analysis to a whole new level. In this review, I cover the benefits of owning this must-have tool.
General Meta Tags
17- titleReview: NDepend for Visual Studio | DanylkoWeb
- charsetutf-8
- viewportwidth=device-width
- descriptionNDepend takes code analysis to a whole new level. In this review, I cover the benefits of owning this must-have tool.
- authorJonathan Danylko
Open Graph Meta Tags
7- og:site_nameDanylkoWeb
- og:localeen_US
- og:typearticle
- og:descriptionNDepend takes code analysis to a whole new level. In this review, I cover the benefits of owning this must-have tool.
- og:titleReview: NDepend for Visual Studio
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48- http://blog.ndepend.com/ndepend-vs-resharper
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