Preview meta tags from the www.dfki.de website.
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8- 149 links towww.dfki.de
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- 3 links towww-test.dfki.de
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Search Engine Appearance
About DFKI
DFKI conducts research on "human-centric AI" in the major groundbreaking areas of AI research and applications with a focus on socially relevant topics and scientific excellence. We are convinced that AI technologies can help in meeting the great societal challenges we face such as man-made global warming, social injustices, and dangerous diseases.
About DFKI
DFKI conducts research on "human-centric AI" in the major groundbreaking areas of AI research and applications with a focus on socially relevant topics and scientific excellence. We are convinced that AI technologies can help in meeting the great societal challenges we face such as man-made global warming, social injustices, and dangerous diseases.
About DFKI
DFKI conducts research on "human-centric AI" in the major groundbreaking areas of AI research and applications with a focus on socially relevant topics and scientific excellence. We are convinced that AI technologies can help in meeting the great societal challenges we face such as man-made global warming, social injustices, and dangerous diseases.
General Meta Tags
6- titleAbout DFKI
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- descriptionDFKI conducts research on "human-centric AI" in the major groundbreaking areas of AI research and applications with a focus on socially relevant topics and scientific excellence. We are convinced that AI technologies can help in meeting the great societal challenges we face such as man-made global warming, social injustices, and dangerous diseases.
Open Graph Meta Tags
6- og:titleAbout DFKI
- og:descriptionDFKI conducts research on "human-centric AI" in the major groundbreaking areas of AI research and applications with a focus on socially relevant topics and scientific excellence. We are convinced that AI technologies can help in meeting the great societal challenges we face such as man-made global warming, social injustices, and dangerous diseases.
- og:imagehttps://www-live.dfki.de/fileadmin/_processed_/f/d/csm_DFKI_Karriere_1920x1080_53a8041689.jpg
- og:image:urlhttps://www-live.dfki.de/fileadmin/_processed_/f/d/csm_DFKI_Karriere_1920x1080_53a8041689.jpg
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Twitter Meta Tags
4- twitter:cardsummary
- twitter:titleAbout DFKI
- twitter:descriptionDFKI conducts research on "human-centric AI" in the major groundbreaking areas of AI research and applications with a focus on socially relevant topics and scientific excellence. We are convinced that AI technologies can help in meeting the great societal challenges we face such as man-made global warming, social injustices, and dangerous diseases.
- twitter:imagehttps://www-live.dfki.de/fileadmin/_processed_/f/d/csm_DFKI_Karriere_1920x1080_53a8041689.jpg
Link Tags
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Website Locales
3- de-DEhttps://www.dfki.de/web/ueber-uns
- en-UShttps://www.dfki.de/en/web/about-us
- x-defaulthttps://www.dfki.de/web/ueber-uns
160- https://jobs.dfki.de
- https://jobs.dfki.de/en/ausschreibungen.html
- https://jobs.dfki.de/en/vacancies.html
- https://twitter.com/DFKI
- https://www-test.dfki.de/en/web/applications-industry/competence-centers