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Raising A Screen-Smart Kid (with Juliana Miner) - Edit Your Life
Technology is both wonderful and complicated, and the complications grow exponentially as screens go from educational or entertainment “playback” for younger kids to digital eco-system and social “livelihood” for tweens and teens. Christine interviews Julianna Miner about her new book, Raising A Screen-Smart Kid: Embrace the Good and Avoid the Bad in the Digital Age. Christine and Juliana talk about how to decide when to get your kid a phone, kids and digital affirmation, modeling good tech behavior, teaching kids social skills, identifying digital addiction, and understanding digital mentorship.
Raising A Screen-Smart Kid (with Juliana Miner) - Edit Your Life
Technology is both wonderful and complicated, and the complications grow exponentially as screens go from educational or entertainment “playback” for younger kids to digital eco-system and social “livelihood” for tweens and teens. Christine interviews Julianna Miner about her new book, Raising A Screen-Smart Kid: Embrace the Good and Avoid the Bad in the Digital Age. Christine and Juliana talk about how to decide when to get your kid a phone, kids and digital affirmation, modeling good tech behavior, teaching kids social skills, identifying digital addiction, and understanding digital mentorship.
Raising A Screen-Smart Kid (with Juliana Miner) - Edit Your Life
Technology is both wonderful and complicated, and the complications grow exponentially as screens go from educational or entertainment “playback” for younger kids to digital eco-system and social “livelihood” for tweens and teens. Christine interviews Julianna Miner about her new book, Raising A Screen-Smart Kid: Embrace the Good and Avoid the Bad in the Digital Age. Christine and Juliana talk about how to decide when to get your kid a phone, kids and digital affirmation, modeling good tech behavior, teaching kids social skills, identifying digital addiction, and understanding digital mentorship.
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14- titleRaising A Screen-Smart Kid (with Juliana Miner) - Edit Your Life
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Open Graph Meta Tags
10- og:localeen_US
- og:typearticle
- og:titleRaising A Screen-Smart Kid (with Juliana Miner) - Edit Your Life
- og:descriptionTechnology is both wonderful and complicated, and the complications grow exponentially as screens go from educational or entertainment “playback” for younger kids to digital eco-system and social “livelihood” for tweens and teens. Christine interviews Julianna Miner about her new book, Raising A Screen-Smart Kid: Embrace the Good and Avoid the Bad in the Digital Age. Christine and Juliana talk about how to decide when to get your kid a phone, kids and digital affirmation, modeling good tech behavior, teaching kids social skills, identifying digital addiction, and understanding digital mentorship.
- og:urlhttps://edityourlifeshow.com/episode-170-raising-a-screen-smart-kid-julianna-miner/
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