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Twitch-inspired live streams could be the future of political fundraising
A startup called Hovercast has helped political groups from Bernie Sanders's campaign to the Wisconsin Democratic Party add interactivity to streamed events.
Twitch-inspired live streams could be the future of political fundraising
A startup called Hovercast has helped political groups from Bernie Sanders's campaign to the Wisconsin Democratic Party add interactivity to streamed events.
Twitch-inspired live streams could be the future of political fundraising
A startup called Hovercast has helped political groups from Bernie Sanders's campaign to the Wisconsin Democratic Party add interactivity to streamed events.
General Meta Tags
19- titleTwitch-inspired live streams could be the future of political fundraising - Fast Company
- charsetutf-8
- viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
- descriptionA startup called Hovercast has helped political groups from Bernie Sanders's campaign to the Wisconsin Democratic Party add interactivity to streamed events.
- authorSteven Melendez
Open Graph Meta Tags
10- og:titleTwitch-inspired live streams could be the future of political fundraising
- og:descriptionBernie Sanders, Andrew Yang, and more are using this software to make virtual political events feel more like Twitch.
- og:urlhttps://www.fastcompany.com/90568792/twitch-for-political-campaigns-hovercast/
- og:site_nameFast Company
- og:localeen_US
Twitter Meta Tags
9- twitter:cardsummary_large_image
- twitter:site@FastCompany
- twitter:creator@FastCompany
- twitter:titleTwitch-inspired live streams could be the future of political fundraising
- twitter:descriptionBernie Sanders, Andrew Yang, and more are using this software to make virtual political events feel more like Twitch.
Link Tags
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