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Papier Mâché Bindings / Mother of Pearl Bindings
These are papier mâché bindings, also called "mother-of-pearl bindings" and "lacquered bindings". They appeared on American books only briefly - around 1850-55 - a time of increasingly elaborate book cover decoration. Papier maché was a very popular technique used to produce household items such as trays, snuff boxes, table tops, daguerreotype cases, and even furniture. The Library Company has 69 papier mâché bindings, 9 portfolio covers, two wall plaques, and 2 daguerreotype cases. Also included are papier mâché from a private collection. www.librarycompany.org
Papier Mâché Bindings / Mother of Pearl Bindings
These are papier mâché bindings, also called "mother-of-pearl bindings" and "lacquered bindings". They appeared on American books only briefly - around 1850-55 - a time of increasingly elaborate book cover decoration. Papier maché was a very popular technique used to produce household items such as trays, snuff boxes, table tops, daguerreotype cases, and even furniture. The Library Company has 69 papier mâché bindings, 9 portfolio covers, two wall plaques, and 2 daguerreotype cases. Also included are papier mâché from a private collection. www.librarycompany.org
Papier Mâché Bindings / Mother of Pearl Bindings
These are papier mâché bindings, also called "mother-of-pearl bindings" and "lacquered bindings". They appeared on American books only briefly - around 1850-55 - a time of increasingly elaborate book cover decoration. Papier maché was a very popular technique used to produce household items such as trays, snuff boxes, table tops, daguerreotype cases, and even furniture. The Library Company has 69 papier mâché bindings, 9 portfolio covers, two wall plaques, and 2 daguerreotype cases. Also included are papier mâché from a private collection. www.librarycompany.org
General Meta Tags
35- titlePapier Mâché Bindings / Mother of Pearl Bindings | Flickr
- al:ios:app_nameFlickr
- al:ios:app_store_id328407587
- twitter:app:name:iphoneFlickr
- twitter:app:id:iphone328407587
Open Graph Meta Tags
9- og:site_nameFlickr
- og:updated_time2024-11-14T11:20:20.754Z
- og:titlePapier Mâché Bindings / Mother of Pearl Bindings
- og:descriptionThese are papier mâché bindings, also called "mother-of-pearl bindings" and "lacquered bindings". They appeared on American books only briefly - around 1850-55 - a time of increasingly elaborate book cover decoration. Papier maché was a very popular technique used to produce household items such as trays, snuff boxes, table tops, daguerreotype cases, and even furniture. The Library Company has 69 papier mâché bindings, 9 portfolio covers, two wall plaques, and 2 daguerreotype cases. Also included are papier mâché from a private collection. www.librarycompany.org
- og:typearticle
Link Tags
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69- http://www.librarycompany.org
- https://blog.flickr.net
- https://www.awesome.co
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- https://www.conservationalliance.com