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Florian Fussstetter - Multimedia Producer & Filmmaker Florian Fussstetter
Florian Fussstetter is a filmmaker, video & photo producer who is running the multimedia team at UNEP global HQ in Nairobi, Kenya. He directed, executive produced, edited and fixed high-value productions in more than 30 countries worldwide. Some of his clients are the United Nations Environm
Florian Fussstetter - Multimedia Producer & Filmmaker Florian Fussstetter
Florian Fussstetter is a filmmaker, video & photo producer who is running the multimedia team at UNEP global HQ in Nairobi, Kenya. He directed, executive produced, edited and fixed high-value productions in more than 30 countries worldwide. Some of his clients are the United Nations Environm
Florian Fussstetter - Multimedia Producer & Filmmaker Florian Fussstetter
Florian Fussstetter is a filmmaker, video & photo producer who is running the multimedia team at UNEP global HQ in Nairobi, Kenya. He directed, executive produced, edited and fixed high-value productions in more than 30 countries worldwide. Some of his clients are the United Nations Environm
General Meta Tags
6- titleFlorian Fussstetter - Multimedia Producer & Filmmaker Florian Fussstetter
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Open Graph Meta Tags
8- og:site_nameFlorian Fussstetter
- og:titleFlorian Fussstetter - Multimedia Producer & Filmmaker Florian Fussstetter
- og:urlhttps://www.florianfussstetter.com
- og:typewebsite
- og:descriptionFlorian Fussstetter is a filmmaker, video & photo producer who is running the multimedia team at UNEP global HQ in Nairobi, Kenya. He directed, executive produced, edited and fixed high-value productions in more than 30 countries worldwide. Some of his clients are the United Nations Environm
Twitter Meta Tags
5- twitter:titleFlorian Fussstetter - Multimedia Producer & Filmmaker Florian Fussstetter
- twitter:imagehttp://static1.squarespace.com/static/5d737f3fe786c2685627ea63/t/5e02b3922fb96016810e40a1/1577235388118/A25I9427.jpg?format=1500w
- twitter:urlhttps://www.florianfussstetter.com
- twitter:cardsummary
- twitter:descriptionFlorian Fussstetter is a filmmaker, video & photo producer who is running the multimedia team at UNEP global HQ in Nairobi, Kenya. He directed, executive produced, edited and fixed high-value productions in more than 30 countries worldwide. Some of his clients are the United Nations Environm
Item Prop Meta Tags
5- nameFlorian Fussstetter - Multimedia Producer & Filmmaker Florian Fussstetter
- urlhttps://www.florianfussstetter.com
- descriptionFlorian Fussstetter is a filmmaker, video & photo producer who is running the multimedia team at UNEP global HQ in Nairobi, Kenya. He directed, executive produced, edited and fixed high-value productions in more than 30 countries worldwide. Some of his clients are the United Nations Environm
- thumbnailUrlhttp://static1.squarespace.com/static/5d737f3fe786c2685627ea63/t/5e02b3922fb96016810e40a1/1577235388118/A25I9427.jpg?format=1500w
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Link Tags
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3- https://florianfussstetter.com/about
- https://florianfussstetter.com/contact
- https://florianfussstetter.com/work