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Sweet Potato Grilled Cheese Waffle - Food Blasts
We got a little inventive here - We wanted a unique waffle and to mash it up with a grilled cheese! Seriously delicious, you'll have a new favorite breakfast
Sweet Potato Grilled Cheese Waffle - Food Blasts
We got a little inventive here - We wanted a unique waffle and to mash it up with a grilled cheese! Seriously delicious, you'll have a new favorite breakfast
Sweet Potato Grilled Cheese Waffle - Food Blasts
We got a little inventive here - We wanted a unique waffle and to mash it up with a grilled cheese! Seriously delicious, you'll have a new favorite breakfast
General Meta Tags
14- titleSweet Potato Grilled Cheese Waffle - Food Blasts
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Open Graph Meta Tags
13- og:localeen_US
- og:typearticle
- og:titleSweet Potato Grilled Cheese Waffle - Food Blasts
- og:descriptionWe got a little inventive here - We wanted a unique waffle and to mash it up with a grilled cheese! Seriously delicious, you'll have a new favorite breakfast
- og:urlhttps://www.foodblasts.com/sweet-potato-grilled-cheese-waffle/
Twitter Meta Tags
8- twitter:cardsummary_large_image
- twitter:titleSweet Potato Grilled Cheese Waffle - Food Blasts
- twitter:descriptionWe got a little inventive here - We wanted a unique waffle and to mash it up with a grilled cheese! Seriously delicious, you'll have a new favorite breakfast
- twitter:imagehttps://www.foodblasts.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Sweet-Potato-Grilled-Cheese-Waffle.jpg
- twitter:label1Written by
Item Prop Meta Tags
2- nameFood Blasts
- urlhttps://www.foodblasts.com
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