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US virus death toll a new stain on its human rights record
Now, it’s impossible for the US to count on Trump’s leadership to contain the epidemic. The inflection point won’t appear until a miracle drug or vaccine is developed, or the novel coronavirus naturally becomes less infectious, or Trump loses the election. Before that, more Americans will have to struggle.
US virus death toll a new stain on its human rights record
Now, it’s impossible for the US to count on Trump’s leadership to contain the epidemic. The inflection point won’t appear until a miracle drug or vaccine is developed, or the novel coronavirus naturally becomes less infectious, or Trump loses the election. Before that, more Americans will have to struggle.
US virus death toll a new stain on its human rights record
Now, it’s impossible for the US to count on Trump’s leadership to contain the epidemic. The inflection point won’t appear until a miracle drug or vaccine is developed, or the novel coronavirus naturally becomes less infectious, or Trump loses the election. Before that, more Americans will have to struggle.
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